⭐3: Polaris Constell University and its Elites

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It was now another day for Cleiv, and for Kara, her first day in school. Polaris Constell University, the school way out of normal geography. A school for young prodigies to continue education into improving and honing their talents. A school built on a mysterious and remote island on the planet, known as Earth.

"Kara, seriously. You need to calm down." Cleiv comforted as he hopped on his motorcycle, which made him look like dont judge a book by its cover type of thing. He handed Kara a helmet, which she took hesitantly. Kara, despite her joyful nature, was more of an insociable person. Ever since she was young, she had a hard time with socializing. Whenever she met someone, she would stay silent and very hesitant to speak. Her confidence would be low, this was due to the fact that she only ever talked to Cleiv.

The two drove to Polaris Constell University quite fast. Cleiv got a gate pass for his motorcycle and parked it near the guard house. He insisted to carry Kara's stuff, but she said no. Cleiv wasn't someone to actually force someone to do something, but he could do that to Kara.

"So, tell me more about PCU." Kara started.

"Well... Its a long story, and I'm not sure about this because I only read about it in the library." Cleiv had answered, scratching the back of his head. He took a deep breath and spoke low, despite the fact there were not much people in the school at 6 AM in the morning; The sun just had risen too.

"Polaris Constell University, more specificallt known as Polaris II Scientific Studies and Constellations University, is a school for prodigies, people born and built different, like us. However, according to my research, there was more to PCU, geographically, scientifically, and Historically. PCU is located exactly at 0,0 coodinate, oddly enough. Well, there over a hundred unnamed and unclaimed islands on Earth, yet, nothing is as odd than the island we're on. Heck, even the Island's name was not put publicly for students. I read the name was in Latin, but I forgot about it...." Cleiv paused, thinking hard, but shrugged and continued, "....Anyways, the geographic location of the school on the island gave it more reason to keep a secret. Notice that star directly above?" He asked as he pointed upwards. Kara knew what he meant because that was the first thing she noticed stepping out of the airport. However, the star never did move from its place, despite the rotation and revolution of the Earth. "That star was named Polaris II, now we get why the school was Named Polaris. The star was brighter than Polaris despite being over a billion or more estimated light years from Earth--"

"Hold one, estimated? You mean no one still knows how far it actually is?!" Kara exclaimed, only to shushed by Cleiv. The information he was sharing was very confidential, having it to be leaked would be a catastrophe. Knowledge was both a blessing and a curse.

"Well... Yeah. But get this, the star never leaves its posistion, just like Polaris, or the north star. It would always be directly above. Now, historically speaking, PCU was founded by a group of IASA sailors. The group was supposed to collect planktons for a new scientific study. However, they bumped, yes accidentally, into this Island. They contact base and told them about it, and you know what happened. Built this place, kept it confidential only to be told to prodigies and stuff."

"Anyways, to summarize it all, PCU is an extremely confidential school for children born with gifts that is located at the intersection of the prime meridian and the equator. Wow, thats deep... However...." Kara silenced herself and emersed in her thoughts.

The two walked around the school, Cleiv giving Kara a tour around. When they arrived at the library though, Kara wouldn't leave the Astronomy Collection and Observatory. It took a little more than bribing for her to leave.

By 8:10 AM, they were done with personal tour and were now headed back to their classroom. Of course, classes already started 10 minutes ago. By arriving in the classroom, Cleiv explained everything to their Homeroom teacher, Mr. Demitri Cupper Geos, a 24 year old man. He had handsome features; hair had a deep navy blue color, that seemed to show the darkest night sky. His eyes were an ocean shade, darker than Kara's and held a serious expression.

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