⭐6: When the Star Disappears

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Cras non ad scholam.

Kara repeated the words in her head, confused as to whose voice it was. She was certain it was a voice and not the wind blowing pass her ears. It was clear as day to her that it was someone's voice. No. That wasn't CA. She had thought. At first, she mistook the voice to be the blonde's, however when she looked at him, he was staring at the ground. Besides, the voice was much more deeper than his, about a little bit. It sounded young, cheery, and carried a worried tone. Its like it was warning her.

"Hey, CA..." Kara called to her friend who soon broke out of his rather violent jouska. His green eyes finding way to ocean colored ones as he faced the pale skin female. Her pale lips parted as she asked, "You know latin, right?"

Cleiv stared for a few seconds before smiling and nodding to answer the female's question. The young blonde then walked to her and asked, out of curiousity, as to why she asked if he knew latin. In the many years the two had grew up together, and through the messages and letters the both sent too each other, Cleiv could easily tell what is going on with Kara if he looked closely. She's like a foggy window in a house of mysteries, that only you could know what's inside if you look closely and thoroughly.

Kara pursed her lips and hummed as her eyes, despite looking forward, seemed to be looking further or out of place. She's thinking how to phrase her thoughts again. Cleiv guessed. He knew she was doing so to avoid having to prate on her jummbled and rather complicated thoughts. It was natural in the Calei bloodline afterall, as to what his parents had told him. As illogical as it seems to him ,because Kara grew in House Neverland, he had started to think this was sort of heriditary.

Breaking from her trail of thoughts, Kara spoke, "Dont laugh. I... Well...." she flung her arms around as she released a sigh and reluctantly told him, "I heard a voice. Anddddd I dont know what it told me, well, I mean, what it meant, so I was hoping if you could help me translate it?" Cleiv, left speechless, stared at her with wide eyes. He processed every word she told him. He processed the basic scenario, now confused as she was. Voice?

"Hold on." He raised his hand up as he furrowed his brows. "You're telling me you are hearing voices now? Are you slowly loosing it---"

"I'm not loosing it, CA! I'm telling the truth!" Kara interupted as she pouted and agressively shook him by grabbing th collar of his shirt. Cleiv tried hard not to laugh at her childish act, but failed to do so as he released a chuckle. His freckled cheeks turning red as he laughed his ass at his best friend. He missed her childishness from all the years of their seperation. He knew she wasn't loosing her sanity, but she seemed troubled, confused, uneasy: so he tried lifting up the mood. It was for her and his own good.

Kara was blushing in pure embarassment as she furiously slapped and punched him, trying to make him stop wheezing. Her futile attempts proved no worth as the male laughed and was now clutching his stomach as he rolled on the ground. Kara pouted and crossed her arms as she knelt beside him. It mattered to none as people around them stared at the bizarre scene unfolding. They stared as if Cleiv Ash Neverland seemed like he had lost all his sanity, rolling on the ground.

As the two teens stayed on the grounf, footsteps approached the two. Feet covered by a black Ryno Gear Tactical Combat Boots with CoolMax lining, which matched white Levi's Jeans. The person also wore a black turtle neck and a leather jacket to complete his look. Familiar silver and mirror like eyes that appeared as though they held a sunset in them. Jet black hair, slicked back that the normal hairstyle he wore, and a fair handsome face.

Calisto, whom was absent the whole day from school, was now standing by the two other teens on the ground. Kara stared at him with an unreadable expression, ocean blue eyes stared into mirror-like ones and seemingly she could see her own eyes being reflected into his. Cleiv had stopped his hysterical breakdown and had lied down, flipping his head back and forth on the two that had remained silent and seemed to be holding an untold staring contest, or a unspoken conversation that only the two of them could hear.

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