~•*chapter four*•~

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aang and i were still grieving over the death of the airbenders.
"aang, are you okay?" i asked him, even though i knew he wasn't.
"yeah, i'm alright" he answered with his head on my shoulder "how about you"
"i could be doing a lot better" i said
"you have no idea where you're going, do you?" sokka said
"well, i know it's near water." aang changed his tone
"i guess we're getting close, then" sokka said sarcastically, as he normally does.

i hopped on appa's back with sokka and katara, while she was sewing sokka's pants
"momo, marbles please!" aang said "katara, check out this airbending trick!" katara didn't look at aang, she was focused on sokka's pants
"that's great, aang." she said unenthusiastically
"you didn't even look" he said sadly
"that's great" she said with a little more enthusiasm
"but i'm not doing it now."
"i thought it was pretty cool!" i said, hopefully making him feel better
"thanks, y/n" he smiled
"stop bugging katara, airhead. you need to give girls space when they do their sewing" sokka said. this boy did not
"what does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" katara angrily asked
"simple. girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. it's just the natural order of things." someone give this boy some respect women juice please
"all done with your pants, and look what a great job i did!" katara threw his pants at him as i laughed
"y/n, you can finish this, right?" he asked me
"why, because i'm a girl?"
"then no"
"i- i was just kidding! i can't wear these! katara, y/n, please!"
"i don't even know how to sew"
"but you're a-"
"don't even think about it"
"relax, sokka. where we're going you won't need any pants!" aang said. oh no we're going to kyoshi island, with the elephant koi. not looking forward to that.

"we just made a pit stop yesterday" sokka complained "shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?"
"i think i actually agree with sokka" i said as he glared at me. this dude is gonna learn to not be a sexist asshole
"yeah, he's right. at this rate, we won't get to the north pole until spring" katara stated
"and you need to master three whole elements" i added
"but appa's tired already, aren't you, boy?" aang said happily as appa snored
"i said, aren't you, boy?" aang nudged the bison and appa yawned
"yeah, that was real convincing. still, hard to argue with a 10-ton magical monster." sokka said
"look!" aang pointed to the elephant koi, and i stepped back
"nope! not doing that"
"that's okay, y/n! but this is why we're here! elephant koi!" aang said as he took his clothes off "katara, you've got to watch me!" and aang dived in the water and screamed because it was so cold. sokka signaled that aang was crazy, i silently laughed.

"so why are you so against riding the koi?" katara asked me
"last time i did, i nearly drowned, not a pleasant experience" i answered. we watched aang, katara looked like she was in awe, she even cheered for him.
"he looks pretty good out there!" she said
"are you kidding, the fish is doing all the work. maybe that's why y/n nearly drowned"
"no it's because my hand slipped" i corrected. katara ran away to stop appa from eating something
"they definitely like each other" i said to sokka
"who?" he asked
"aang and katara, who else?"
"yeah i definitely see that." we then noticed another creature in the water, sokka and i waved our arms and yelled trying to get his attention. katara came back and joined us, aang noticed the creature and ran on water
"sokka watch out!" i tried to push him out of the way so aang wouldn't run into him. however it was a little too late and i ended up pushed against sokka who was pushed against a tree
"you alright?" i asked him. i still cared about him even if he is a sexist prick
"i'm good" he said as he helped himself up
"what was that thing?" katara asked
"i don't know" aang replied
"i've never seen it before" i added
"well, let's stick around to find out. time to hit the road" sokka is either a complete idiot or incredibly smart, i don't think there is an in between. but we were ambushed, i couldn't tell by who, i couldn't see a thing, we were blindfolded and thrown to the ground
"or we could stay a while" sokka's voice was kinda high there.

the last airbenders (sokka x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon