~•*chapter five*•~

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aang wanted to go to omashu, he, our friend bumi, and i would ride the mail system, but it's been a hundred years, i hope it's still there!
"the earth kingdom city of omashu!" aang yelled as we approached the city
"it looks just the same as it did a hundred years ago!" i smiled
"we used to always come here to visit our friend bumi!" he said "i sometimes went without you though, sorry" he apologized to me.
"it's fine, aang." i laughed.
"wow! we don't have cities like this in the south pole!" katara exclaimed
"they have buildings here that don't melt" sokka said in shock.
"well come on, it's way more fun inside!" i shouted and we jumped towards the city
"wait! it could be dangerous if people found out aang's the avatar." katara said
"you need a disguise, maybe y/n too so people don't assume she's the avatar." sokka suggested
"that's a good idea" i responded
"what am i supposed to do? grow a mustache?" aang said sarcastically
"i have an idea! you could use appa's fur to make it look like you have a mustache?" i said
"okay!" he said as he brushed off some fur from appa and made a wig and mustache out of the fur
"this is so itchy!" aang complained "how do you live in this stuff!" he said to appa
"great! now you look just like my grandfather! now we need y/n's disguise." sokka said
"but what? it can't be the same thing as aang?"
"um, here, maybe you could borrow my coat?" sokka offered as he took his coat off
"are you sure you won't get cold?"
"i'll be fine y/n." i put on his coat, it was really warm
"now, let's get to skipping, young whippersnappers! the big city awaits!" aang said in his 'old man' voice and started walking with a hunched back

"y/n, the hood should be up, they shouldn't see the tatoos. if they ask why i'll cover for you." sokka's voice shivered as he put up the hood.
"sokka, are you sure you're not cold?" i asked
"i'll be alright" his voice still shivered, however his voice was a little muffled due to the hood and its hard to see. "can you see alright?" he asked
"not really" i replied and he put his arms around me.

"you guys are gonna love omashu!" aang said
"the people here are the friendliest in the world!" i added, but then we heard some screaming ahead about... rotten cabbages? a cart of cabbages were thrown off the bridge and the merchant screamed for his cabbages, honestly, kind of funny.
"just keep smiling" aang said as he faked a laugh, the rest of us faked smiles as well

"state your business!" the guard said as we walked forward
"my business is my business, young man, and none of yours!" sokka held on to me really tightly, to the point where it hurt
"sokka stop, you're hurting me" i said as aang kept rambling
"sorry!" he said as he loosened his grip.
"settle down, old timer. just tell me who you are!" the guard said
"name's bonzoo pippenpadlopdicopolis the third." how in the hell did he just do that? "and those two are my grandchildren" two? but there's 3 of us?
"hi! june pippenpadlopdicopolis, nice to meet you!" how did katara just do that!
"you seem like a responsible young lady, see that your grandfather stays out of trouble. enjoy omashu."
"we will!" katara said sweetly
"wait a minute," the guard stopped sokka, i could tell he was scared, but so was i "you're a strong young boy, show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag!" the guard yelled at him.
"actually, he has to help his girlfriend, she has a scar on her face and wants to hide it, he helps guide her." did aang just call me sokka's girlfriend?
"understandable." and the guard let us pass

"ok, do i still have to keep the hood on?" i asked once we got inside.
"you should, just to be safe" katara suggested
we looked at the city of omashu, sokka and katara dropped their jaws at the sight
"this is the omashu delivery system! miles and miles of tubes and chutes!" aang said, he then explained how the system works.
"great, so they get their mail on time." sokka said sarcastically
"as a matter of fact, they do get their mail on time!" i told him
"but our friend bumi found a better use for these chutes." aang said mischievously

"one ride," i told aang
"then we're off to the north pole," he responded.
aang was sitting in the front, behind him was katara, then sokka, then me.
"this sounded like fun at first, but now that i'm here," katara said "i'm starting to have second thoughts!" she screamed as we slid down.

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