~•*chapter one*•~

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"aang! there you are i was loo- aang? are you okay?" i asked my best friend.
"i'm fine" he said, even though i knew he wasn't.
"aang, what's wrong? you know you can talk to me" i assured him.
"i know, i'll tell you when i'm ready. but i thought you knew, i thought everyone knew" he replied and he started to walk away to his room.
"no, i don't know" what could everyone know that i don't? obviously it's bringing him down, but i don't know how to cheer him up. "come on, let's go play with everyone else!" i said excitedly.
"they don't want to" he responded sadly.
"what? why?" i asked
"do you seriously not know?"
"i don't"
"y/n, i'm the avatar" he sounded ashamed of that
"aang, no way! that's amazing! why aren't you proud of that?"
"everyone's leaving me out, you and monk gyatso are the only people i have now."
"aang, i'm so sorry" i hugged him as tight as i could
"you go play with everyone else, i want to spend some time alone" and he walked away
"okay" i knew he couldn't hear that.

days passed and i haven't talked to aang since then, but soon i saw him get on appa and i ran towards them.
"aang! wait, where are you going?" i yelled while running
"i'm just gonna go on a ride" he said
"are you sure? there's supposed to be a storm?"
"yeah, i'm sure."
"okay, but i haven't spent time with you in days! i'm coming with you."
"no, you shouldn't"
"why not?"
"there's supposed to be a storm"
"aang, that's why i said you shouldn't go"
"fine, you can come with"

it was quiet, we didn't really talk, but soon the rain started.
"aang, we should head back."
"yeah, you're right"
but we were too late, the waves started getting higher and soon aang, appa, and i were under water. aang's eyes and airbender tattoo glew and we were enclosed in an iceberg. but soon we were out of the iceberg, we fell to the ground. a water tribe girl held aang in her arms and a boy who looks like her brother poked him in the head a couple times
"stop it!" said the water tribe girl, so he did, then he saw me and picked me up and put me down next to where the girl had put aang. he opened his eyes and let out a gasp when he saw the girl
"i need to ask you something" aang said with a raspy voice
"what?" asked the water tribe girl
"please, come closer"
aang, what are you doing, you just met this girl
"what is it?"
"will you go penguin sledding with me?" aang said much louder and excited
"what is it with you and penguin sledding?" i asked, however it was obvious i was ignored
"uh, sure, i guess" said the girl

aang used his airbending to get up and the water tribe boy screamed and swung his stick at aang. i got up without using airbending to not freak out the boy again.
"what's going on here?" aang and i both said at the same time
"you tell us! how did you get in the ice? and how are you not frozen?" yelled the boy, okay maybe it wasn't the airbending that scared him
"i'm not sure." aang said, we then heard appa growling. aang and i both climbed the ice and slid down to where the bison was.

"appa!" we both yelled
"are you alright? wake up buddy!" aang continued. he lifted appa's eyelid but it immediately shut, so then he went and tried to lift his head, but obviously that wouldn't work. i looked over and saw the two water tribe kids, their jaws dropped when they saw appa.
"have you two never seen a flying bison before?" i asked, we weren't in the iceberg for that long!
"no... we haven't" the boy said with a shaken voice.
appa woke up and lifted aang with his tongue. kinda gross if you tell me.
"you're okay!" aang laughed and hugged appa
"what is that thing?" the water tribe boy asked.
"i already told you what he is, but this is appa-" i said but aang interrupted me "my flying bison!" putting the emphasis on 'my'
"right... and this is katara, my flying sister" he sarcastically replied. appa sneezed and the boy was covered in his snot, i tried not to laugh but i did.
"i think it's a good look on you" i said, trying to match his sarcasm. he didn't hear me over his own screams of disgust
"don't worry, it'll wash out" aang said, katara looked grossed out too.

"so... do you guys live around here?" aang asked
"don't answer that. did you see that crazy bolt of light? they were probably trying to signal the fire navy!" the boy yelled
"oh yeah, i'm sure they're spies for the fire navy. you can tell by the evil looks in their eyes." katara jokingly said. aang and i put our arms around each other's shoulders and flashed a little smile. "the paranoid one is my brother sokka. you never told us your names"
"oh, i'm y/n"
"and i'm a- uh.. ah-choo!" aang sneezed and flew high into the air, blowing wind in all of our faces.
"he's aang" i said before he could get down.
"i'm aang!" he said after he gracefully landed, i was impressed, but he is the avatar after all.
"you just sneezed and flew 10 feet in the air!" sokka said
"really? it felt higher than that." aang said
"it was definitely higher than that" i said
"haha thanks y/n!"
"you're an airbender!" katara gasped
"so am i!" and i showed off an airbending trick
"sure we are!" aang cheerfully said
"giant light beam, flying bison, airbenders, i think i got midnight sun madness." sokka said and started to walk away. "i'm going home to where stuff makes sense." he then noticed that there was no possible way to get home.
"looks like you're stuck, sokka." i said
"wow, thanks y/n, i couldn't tell" sokka said, sounded a little annoyed. that kinda hurt.
"well, if you guys are stuck, we could give you a ride on appa!" aang and i both jumped onto appa.
"we'd love a ride, thanks!" katara said.
"i like this girl, she's cool" i said to myself
"yeah, me too." aang replied
"oh no! i'm not getting on that fluffy snot monster." sokka stated
"are you hoping some other kind of monster will come along and give you a ride home?" katara said while aang was helping her on appa
"or you could swim, but then you'd freeze to death, but i wouldn't recommend that, i'd like to get to know you." i said. sokka sighed in defeat and i helped him onto appa's back
"ok. first time flyers," aang started
"hold on tight!" i joined in with him
"i don't want them to know i'm the avatar" aang whispered to me
"okay, i won't tell them." i whispered back

the last airbenders (sokka x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora