Chapter Forty-One|| We're gonna be great

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"Sounds good, sis, I'll see you later." I waved bye and headed over to Mathias who was tapping his foot with his arms folded.

"You have got to chill out," I grumbled.

"You have got to learn time management." He mocked my tone and I rolled my eyes, walking through the door.

"We're Queen and King, we have our own time schedule," I smirked.

"If you want to be respected, then be on time." He reminded as we walked out of the house and to the car.

"I think I have the queen role down, sir. I don't need any more lessons."

"And stop being cocky." He pointed his finger at me. "We want people to like us, not hate us."

"I'm just messing with you!" I laughed, leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek. "I'm learning every day, Mathias, and I will never do anything to purposely make people hate us." I winked, sliding into the car.

"You're a hand full," He mumbled as he sat next to me.

"Me? Never!"

It was a little bit of a drive to get to The Rampant Pack, but I was eager to see Ivy again.

The guards let us in and our driver dropped us off at her house. I walked in, looking around and soon heard a shriek and heels clacking against the floor. Ivy ran up to me, throwing her arms around me.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Ivy." I giggled.

"Didn't you two just see each other?" Mathias asked.

"Shush," Ivy shot at him and her eyes slightly widened. "Your Majesty." She added sheepishly.

"Women," Mathias mumbled, shaking his head.

"Shall we?" I asked.

"Yes! Let's go to the conference room upstairs." We followed after her and soon were all seated around a table.

"So, what did you want to discuss?" I asked, going into queen mode.

"I have an idea..." She started to speak. "It's not something that has ever been thought of and may sound crazy."

"We're listening?" Mathias spoke, leaning forward curiously.

"I want to create a program to rehabilitate rogues. I know some are unworthy, but some had small misdemeanors that I really think can be changed. It's one hundred percent volunteer only but if they want to, I think it's nice to give them a chance to get back on the right path in life. I will willingly open my pack to them once they have completed the program. There are obviously more things that have to come into play once they are able to join packs again but I think it's worth taking a shot. Everyone deserves a second chance." I smiled at her compassion towards others, something I relate to.

"Mathias, opinions?" I asked and he ran a hand over his face in thought.

"I think it has some potential. It'll be a long process getting everything sorted out, but I agree that everyone deserves a second chance. Though, some rogues can be horrible people and sometimes you just can't change that, no matter how hard you try. It will be a lot of work and since this was your idea, you will be leading it and controlling what happens. If something were to happen and it ended badly, it will fall back on you. Are you ready for that responsibility?"

"Yes, sir, I am. I'm really passionate about this and I think I can make a difference."

Mathias looked to me for final thoughts and I smiled. "I believe you can do it, Ivy. We'll have to talk more details though before this program starts and we'll have to agree to disagree on some things but I think we can make it happen for you."

"Thank you guys so much. I already have some ideas brewing, and I would love to share them with you over dinner if you can stay?" She offered.

"We'd love to," Mathias replied and I smiled, loving how he was coming around to being around my friends more often.

"Great, let me go talk to the chefs to get dinner started and I'll be back up in a few."

After she left the room I turned to Mathias. "We're gonna be great at this."

"We already are, babe."

"Maybe so, but also I just want to say thank you for being around my friends more. You know... agreeing to dinner and all."

"Of course, I figured I might as well get to know her since she is one of your close friends."

"Do you have any friends I can meet?" I asked and his brows furrowed.


"What? Why?"

"I have one friend I trust and that is Shane. He is also an asshole half the time, so no. If he said one wrong thing to you I might kill him." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Mathias, I have to meet your friend. He's apart of your life."

"Yeah, well, the answer is no." He replied and I pouted.

He glanced at me but quickly looked away. "Don't look at me like that."



"Matthew?" I pouted once more and his eyes instantly snapped to meet mine at the mention of his nickname and he visibly relaxed.

"It means that much to you?"


"Fine, but I make no promises that I won't punch him in the face if he makes one smart comment."




New chapter is up on Radish, go check it out. 

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