Chapter Thirty-Five|| Discussions

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{Rosmarie's POV}

"You didn't ask if the hounds could move into the Royal Pack, Rose. They aren't royals and they needed to stay in the War Pack." My father stated as we all sat around the conference room in the palace.

It's been a few days since the fight between Natasha and me. The hounds were currently staying in rooms here at the palace until their house is built. Today my father finally decided it was time to talk and get things figured out, so here Mathias and I were.

"With all due respect, dad, I'm going to be queen soon and it's up to me on who can enter and leave my pack, so whether you let them stay here now or a week from now makes no difference because I would just let them come back in a weeks time after our coronation," I replied and felt Mathias place his hand on my thigh and gave a small, encouraging squeeze.

I held back my smirk at my father's shocked expression. "She has a point, Christian." My mother mused, trying to hide her own smirk.

She was proud.

Suddenly, my father belched out a laugh. "It took you long enough!" he mused and it was my turn to look shocked.


"Rose, I've been waiting for you to put me in my place. You're right, you're about to be Queen and the luna of the Royals, so whoever you let into your pack is your decision."

"'re my father I don't get to 'put you in your place', dad," I replied.

"You just did, hun." He winked, standing from the table. "You're going to make a great Queen standing up for what you believe in, just as your mother did. I'm very proud of you, Rose, and you should be too. I'm looking forward to your coronation next week."

My father and mother left the room shortly after that and I sat in my chair dumbfounded. "What...just happened?"

Mathias chuckled, shaking his head. "I think that was your last lesson for becoming Queen."

I looked over at him and smiled. "Are you ready for next week? It's been put off for long enough."

"Ready as I'll ever be, love." he leaned over, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

I pulled back, biting my lip as I looked away. "You do realize we'll technically be married after the coronation since it serves as a coronation and a wedding, right?" Mathias asked.

"Oh, I know."

"You're not sad that I never got a chance to propose properly?" he raised a brow.

"I don't need a ring for you to prove you love me, Mathias, I already know. I'll be proud to call you my husband next week." I smiled and he raised his hand, resting it on my cheek.

"Maybe I'm the one who wants to do it right, then." He grinned.

"Well, Mathias, what do you have in mind?"

"That's for me to know," he winked standing from his chair. "Now, some contractors are here to talk to us about the hounds' house. They've been waiting downstairs," he stated, holding his hand out.

I took it, following him to the door. "You do realize the four hounds are probably down there spitting nonsense to the contractors right?" I giggled.

"Oh I'm sure, they're nothing but trouble. That's why I gave the floor plans to the contractors already." I halted, looking up at him.

"You made floorplans without me?"

"I had some time when you were touring the hounds around the grounds here and I wanted it to be a surprise. I really think you're going to like it. Plus, you're their alpha so you'll be over there a lot I'm sure and I want it to be a surprise when you first see it. So no peeking at the plans today, alright?"

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