Harry stopped rubbing my back and offered me a hand to help me stand from where I had been previously sat, straddling him as I cried. I quickly moved over to Liam and threw my arms around his torso as I hugged him tightly.

"You didn't tell me you'd still been having the nightmares Madi." Liam whispered as he stroked the back of my hair.

"They got worse when I moved, I knew he was gone but moving here has made him feel so far away." I mumbled.

"Hey now, he may not be here but he'll never be fully gone. You and I think about him every single day, just like your mum and dad, and all of his friends at home. He is still in our hearts Madi and we have to hold on to that. He's with you every morning, when the sun rises and sets he is there. You always told me Alex was the sun, remember?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly as I wiped a tear from my cheek.

"Well here comes the sun." Harry said, opening the curtains to show that the sun had just began to rise. I smiled at the memories of Alex and I singing the song together and of me singing it at his funeral. That would always be our song, and Liam knew that.

"See Madi, that's it. That's your song, and that's your memory of him. You saw Alex as the sun, and every day when you see the sun rising you can think of him and know that he is still here with you, cheering you on." Liam said with a smile.

I nodded my head again and smiled back knowing he was right, and that I'd never fully lose Alex because he'd always live in my memory as the bright ray of sunlight that I see every day.

"Thank you Lee." I said, giving him another hug before turning to face the other boys.

"Thank you boys for helping me and comforting me. I know it isn't your job to do so and I don't take it lightly. I'm lucky to have friends like you, and thank you Niall for waking up Liam." I said, crawling into the bed to pull the two boys into a hug.

"As long as you don't apologize again I'd say we can call it even." Niall said with a cheeky wink before laughing at his own joke.

"Well now that we're all awake let's do something." Harry suggested.

Liam laughed at his remark and responded, "What did you have in mind?"

"Why don't we go order breakfast and watch a movie in the living room?" He asked.

"I like it." I said, giving Harry a smile which he quickly returned.

"Alright then lets do it." Liam said as he turned around and headed towards the living room with Niall following shortly behind him.

I stood up from the bed and turned to Harry smiling, "Are you coming or what?"

"Well I was just thinking maybe you wanted to put some pants on, but hey fine by me if you want to leave them off." He said with a wink as he began walking towards his closet to grab me a pair.

I looked in the mirror and realized that I hadn't been wearing pants this whole time and cursed myself for saying I didn't need them the night before. My eyes then widened as I realized that I had been fully straddling Harry only minutes before and I was only wearing underwear. And to make matters worse, both Niall and Liam had seen and probably noticed as well.

"I doubt the boys noticed." Harry said as he exited the closet with a pair of joggers in his hands, as though he was reading my mind.

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