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Bill Cipher

Gravity falls take-over was an absolute failure, and it was all the fault of those simple idiots, how could they defeat me! "Dame Pines Family!" I returned to my previous form, to conserve my energy. My human body, which I decided to keep, usually the triangle figure was seen as a God and now it was just a fearful imagine. I do love being feared, and I don't want to be recognized as quickly when I take over gravity falls again. This time will be a success, and I will ultimately rule over Gravity Falls. First, eliminate all my threats; I'll kill a few people on the wheel, and spread the others out, and of course keep one close by...

"I do miss this Human Form! So many benefits," I smirked thinking of how long it has been since I've had some fun in this form. One of my henchmen from the dream-scape, interrupted scheming, "Excuse, Cipher," he took a quick bow as I took a sip of my red wine.
"We got word that all the symbols are currently in Gravity Falls"
"How Perfect"
I began to change into my golden tail coat and black and white tux, recouping all of my energy and henchmen for another attack.
"You never can kill an Alpha Demon King," I smirked as the chaos began.

Morning (Before the attack)

Exhausted dipper and I went for a morning boost, me a hot chocolate with all the sugar available, and my brother a black straight coffee. We decided to explore the town, early this morning so that when Grunkle Stan and Ford awoke for the early afternoon, we would be back to celebrate properly. "So what do you wanna check out first dipper?" I smiled brightly, "we could go to the Dinner, and walk around downtown?" "Sounds Perfect Dipper!" I quickly glanced at Dipper, seeing his bright smile and wonder back in his eyes. As we walked around town, it was surprisingly busy for being early in the morning. Dipper occasionally would rub the back of his neck, and walk with his hands covering his nape. It was common for dipper to do in populated areas, possibly the different pheromones. However, the trip was refreshing and nostalgic. Pacifica was helping a charity in the square, while I ran over to chat for a bit, Dipper decided to look through some of the hiring part-time jobs. "Pacifica! It's been such a long time, how are you!"
"I'm doing great! I heard you guys were coming back in town, I've missed you so much! We were going to plan a party again for tonight, have the all-powerful Cipher beating team back together again! What do you think?"
"Pacifica! That sounds like the most spectacular, amazing, and fun idea ever!"
"Haha still your old self huh? I'll get the gang together and we can meet at the Mystery Shack."
"Yes! Thanks Pacifica, see you then," I waved goodbye and jumped onto my older brother.
"Woah! Mabel watched out," Dipper stumbled back a bit before standing his ground.
"Hehe sorry, but guess what! Pacifica is going to throw a party for us," he looked shocked but then smiled.
"That's pretty awesome, we better head back then," my sister quickly nodded and after a 10 minute walk we made it back to the shack.
"We're back!" Mabel yelled, meeting the other two sets of twins in the living room. "Come on dipper!" Mabel yelled.
"I know you wanna tell them, go ahead, I got something to do first," I headed upstairs taking my suppression pills out and taking a pill quickly before heading back downstairs.
The two Grunckles aged quite a bit, but they were still there bickering and kind selves. Talking about the party, and ordering pizza for the night was an easy task. While Mabel went to change into her party get-up, I sat with the two and chatted about the Journals.

"I can't believe that it's been 6 years since we killed that triangle demon, good riddance."
"I've noticed going into town that people are still tense when they hear the name Bill Cipher"
"Makes sense, everyone here is not used to seeing the paranormal like you and Mabel did when exploring around," I laughed at that.
"True, and the townspeople seem to be really happy living a normal and peaceful life here."
"TA-DA What do you guys think," Mabel was wearing a sparkling white skirt with a cute cat shirt.
"You will have to change too Dipper!" Mabel pointed over my clothes which were ragged from the walking this morning.
"I'll take a shower and change sure, but I am definitely not 'dressing up' like you," I quickly got up and ran for it, before my sister had the chance to tackle me for the comment.
After the shower, and a quick change to a pair of blue jeans, red shirt, and brown/green jacket, which I had rolled up the sleeves.
The party kicked off around the evening, and all the "symbols" were here. Pacific, Wendy, Soos, Robbie, Gideon, including the four pines, and surprisingly Mcgucket came and talked with Ford and Stan. The fact that I was able to recognize a person's pheromones, between alpha, beta, and omega. It was a relief to know that everyone was a Beta, how can I be so unlucky to be born an Omega. At least now it doesn't matter who I am, new life, new me. Surprisingly, Stan had ordered surprise beer for all of us, "now for the record the only people not able to drink is Pacifica, Mabel and Dipper, so you three are not leaving anywhere tonight if you are having alcohol," Stan yelled. I laughed, "Sure Stan we won't be going anywhere," I cheered and grabbed myself a drink. 'It's been so long since I've been this happy," having a couple of drinks I sat down on the sofa with Ford and watched the others dance to the music. "I've missed you guys," Grunkle Ford smiled and patted my head, "we miss you two too." I smiled and calmly inhaled the forest air, closing my eyes briefly.
I looked out the window seeing the rain pour down and the strikes of lightning. Then my eyes darted to the clouds, the odd turn in color and red forecast that began to turn. "What the hell?"
Ford turned over to look at his nephew before, looking out the window himself, "Oh no."
I quickly got up, and turned off the music, startling everyone in the room, "Dipper what's wrong?"
"Ford, what should we do? Could this be Bill Cipher or some other demon?" I said in panic looking over the room for some chalk. Everyone looked over in Ford direction then staring at the clouds, dipper ran and grabbed the 3rd journal and some chalk from upstairs. "Ford? Dipper?" My sister looked at me and Ford, "What do we do?"
I glanced at the expressions of everyone in the room, everyone had fear in their eyes, "Not again!" Yelled Robbie, grabbing his head and shrinking to the ground. Everyone was too shocked to move, I started to quickly draw the symbols and circle, "everyone get into a spot!" They all looked at me, realizing that there was no time to be scared. Then as I was starting to finish the other half of the circle, I felt the air tighten in the room, and the smell was potent that there was an Alpha in the room with them. I turned around to see a golden eye staring down at me grinning. "Shit-" I was grabbed by the neck and pinned to the ground, the piece of chalk falling from my hand across the room. "Dipper!" Mabel was getting ready to attack when all of a sudden a blue light emerged and everyone was transported to a mansion. Wait? I felt blue chains tighten around my hands and ankles bounding me to the ground in front of a redecorated mansion. "This is my house!" Pacifica yelled gripping against the chains keeping her bound in a spot next to Mabel. Actually now that my sight has come back to me everyone was lined in front of Bill with two henchmens on either side of us. "It was Lama, and I've improved it to better tastes after all everything in Gravity Falls is mine," his laughter was manic and anger hinted in his voice. I looked next to me to see Mabel shaking, "its okay Mabel," I whispered. I looked back up towards Bill, "what do you want Bill?!" I spat viciously. "What a stupid question pinetree, your the ones that messed up my original plans to take over gravity falls, what do you think I want?" Bill started to walk down towards the ten of us, "first off, to eliminate any other rebellious characters." I looked to see Bill smirking towards his henchmen, "kill those three first," pointing to Mcgucket, Ford, and Stan. "Wait!" I yelled but unfortunately too late. The sound of screams and the loud drops of blood were the only sounds in the room. The insane laughter that followed, only made us turn our heads as the bodies dropped on the ground, the three still bleeding to death now. Mabel screamed while the others looked away, all I could do was stare. I wanted to vomit, I wanted to look away. I wanted to scream. But my throat was dry, my body terrified to move, and my voice empty. "Revenge is so very sweet," the insane blonde looked at the rest of us and landed eyes with mine, smiling so terrifyingly. It made my body shiver, and the smell was repulsing. I rested my head on the ground as Bill went back to his royal seat, sitting above the rest of us. "Alright kids! Who wants to die next?" Bill laughter echoed in our minds and we were terrified to say anything. "You know, either you've all gained a Brain and realized that you were messing with a demon last time. That ALL of you should've just let me do what I wanted the first time around, and this might not have happened!" His voice vengeful and blasting, had us all avoid the red blazing glare that was pinned on all of us.
My hands were shaking and suddenly the smell turned from bloody, and gastly death to another smell. Specifically, his smell. I dug my face deeper to the ground to try to cover my nose and mouth and avoid the pheromones. 'Oh god, oh god,' his pheromones were dominant, strong, and practically unavoidable.
"There is something I would like to know first before I decide what i am going to do with all of you! Of course, if you give me a good answer I might not kill you, how about that? Sounds like a good deal." Everyone looked back up to him, except for me, his pheromones were too strong if I were to even look at his eyes. I'm afraid that...I'm afraid....
Robbie stammered first, "What could you possibly want to know?"
"Ha! Is that supposed to be a threat? Terrible really, do you want to die even faster?" Bill laughed and stood up from his seat.
Robbie quickly started to shake again, and we all thought that he was done, right then and there.
"Haha, you lot are such weak humans. Well I'll get to the point! I'd like to know all the Omegas in Gravity Falls right now! Any of you know a few?"
I almost threw up in my mouth, knowing what he meant, when he was asking for a Omega. My heart dropped in my stomach as quickly as it did, I turned over to my sister and her eyes landed on me, I quickly whispered "Don't think or say anything." She nodded in understanding and quickly turned her eyes away from me before Bill could notice any type of exchange. I closed my eyes and took a few breaths, knowing that I couldn't show any suspension. My sister's hands were shaking and I could tell she was doing her best to think of anything else but me. On the other hand, I kept my head down, not wanting any attention whatsoever. I'll only talk if he says anything to me.
Gideon began, "I don't know any Omegas in Gravity Falls. We are all Betas so we can't smell pheromones that Omegas or Alphas give off." Bill raised a brow before standing in front of Gideon as he shivered from his malice glare. "So everyone here is useless? No one has any names they can give me?"
'What the hell, Gideon you just made him pissed, why did you have to get closer!!' I started wishing I took three pills rather than one now. "No, there is Tambry, she's an Omega!" Robbie quickly shouted in a rushed panic. "Oh so not all of you are useless, if one of you can give me a name all of you can," everyone looked at each other. Wendy gave a disapproving look at Robbie, while he felt some relief in possibly staying alive. Pacifica started again, "do you know how rare Omegas are, especially for a Beta to ever meet? Why don't you grab one from your own demon world?" Mabel looked over at her in worry, hoping she didn't make Bill mad.
"Of course I know that Omegas are rare, Lama, do I look like an idiot" Bill began to make himself comfortable again, having such bi-polar mood swings was giving everyone in the room a heart attack. Then Bill began again, in a lying sweet voice, "All the Omega were killed in the demon world, I mean they really aren't even worthy of being considered demons,they were all so weak and useless. You all have that same primitive thought too about Omegas. Their weak whores, their only worth is serving an Alpha." Pacifica recoiled back from that response, and Mabel suddenly burst into tears.'Shit rather die, rather die' I kept repeating in my head, trying not to try and vomit. "Shooting Star would you stop being so annoying already, crying isn't gonna do you any good," she tried to stop sniffling now. I looked from the corner of my eye to see Bill's footsteps get closer to her, "DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER!" I yelled looking at Bill directly in the eye, 'shit.' "Pinetree you really think you can tell me what to do! You must have really dropped your IQ, while I was gone," going forwards and kicking my head further into the ground. "Dipper!", "Let him go!" everyone shouted in worry and frustration.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, flames erupted in my hands shooting it towards the useless humans. I grabbed Pinetrees collar, raising him from the ground and extending the chains along with him. "Pinetree you got anything useful to tell me?" I kept my eyes shut not wanting to admit the Alpha in front of me and his intense pheromones, "You'll get more information from a corpse than me." Bill laughed at that, like it was the most entertaining thing he's heard all day, "Alright Pinetree, I'll give you, your wish." His left hand was still holding me in a choke hold, while the other was about to puncture my chest. 'Ah dame, this is gonna hurt,' I opened my eyes one last time to glance at Mabel, her frightened face carved into my memory. I glanced over to Bill, who was an inch away from my chest before he stopped, our eyes met before I realized my mistake. Bill glanced towards my face, and then noticing my blown wide pupils stopped. Everyone was anticipating the bloodshed and turned away, and then glancing back, after hearing no screaming. He dropped me as quick as the realization came, "Ah, Pinetree you're smarter than what people give you credit for," smirking and dropping me to the ground, grabbing my face to look up at him. "But just to make sure," the worst lustful smile appeared on his face, and then it hit me. All of his pheromones were directed at me and it was heavy and painful. My face dropped and my shoulder slouched, I felt so weak, the smell was so strong, "Ugh." My eyes were having a hard time staying open, I felt strong hands grab my face and lift me up to look at him. Such strong pheromones, it was too much, but that glare, those golden eyes, that's the worst. "Grab him and put him in a cell," I felt one of the henchmen grab me away from the others as the chains on my ankles disappeared, however, my arms still felt weighed down by the blue shackles. "Dipper! Dipper! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HIM!" I yelled at Bill and he was still smirking, 'how dare he take him away, give him back!' He looked over at me, "I'm putting him with the other Omegas where else?" Everyone in the room was shocked, Mabel shouted again, "No! He's a Beta, Dipper is a Beta!" "You really should've kept your thoughts to yourself, you feel bad you didn't notice that he was getting bullied for being a useless Omega, do you?"
"He's not Useless!"
"But he is an Omega, and if it makes you feel better he won't be useless to me."
"You Bastard!"
"Shooting Star are you trying to piss me off! Anyone else wanna offer anymore information about any Omegas?" The room was silent and waited on Bill's next move.
"Alright, I'm through with you all then, only two of you had any information for me so I'll let you pick one more person to not die today," Bill waved his hand as if to proceed. "Go ahead," Bill smiled in anticipation.
Robbie didn't take long to decide, "I want Wendy with me." Everyone started to cry and looked over to you, Mabel looked over to Bill desperately wanting her brother back. "Go on Shooting Star, we don't have all day. Don't ask for anything stupid." She began to cry again, obviously not able to wish for her brother, "...Pacifica."
"Haha! Perfect! Guards you heard them, kill the rest!" A snap of his fingers sent Robbie and Wendy into a forest like town, and Mabel and Pacifica were sent to California.

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