Charlie blasted her hard rock music into her ears and zoned out, focusing on her run. After about 10 minutes, she saw Jungkook come downstairs. He gave her a small wave and then walked over to Hoseok before they made their way to the weapons rooms.

When Charlie finished her run she looked over at Jimin and saw him eyeing her.

"What?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

"Let's run over some things," Jimin said, standing up. Charlie rolled her eyes and walked over to him.

"What do we need to run over?" Charlie stood on the mat and put her hands on her hips, waiting for him to answer. All he did was chuckle and smile at her, skimming her clothing again before locking his eyes with hers.

"Nice outfit today," he said, giving her a wink. Charlie bit her inner cheek and shook her head, trying her best to ignore the comment. "Turn around," he requested while Charlie crossed her arms.

"What the hell is this Park?"

"Just turn around," Jimin repeated. Charlie huffed, shooting him a final glare before complying. Once she was facing the opposite direction, Jimin wrapped his arms around her, pinning her own against her chest. He brought his lips close to her ear. "Escape," he whispered.

Jimin would run through this with Charlie a lot. He told her that she should always know how to get out of a fight more than starting one. Charlie wiggled as much as she could, getting her arm far enough away from him and then bringing it back, hard and fast, sending her elbow into his stomach. Jimin took the hit, but still held onto her.

This went on for about 5 more minutes before Charlie was finally free, actually managing to pin Jimin herself. She was so excited that she had finally beaten him that she couldn't stop smiling. It didn't last long though since Jimin managed to reverse the roles quickly by pinning Charlie, like he always did. She let out a defeated groan right before tapping out and Jimin just smiled at her.

"He's not an easy opponent so don't get too down about it."

Charlie looked up and saw that Namjoon was standing by the mat. "Want to go practice some more?" Namjoon asked, stepping towards her as he helped her off the mat.

"Hell yeah, as long as I get a break from him," she replied, eager to get away from Jimin as she turned back to glare at him.

"Ouch, sweetheart, and here I thought we were finally getting close," he replied, a smirk on his face as she watched the irritation grow on her expression.

"Hell no," she muttered, getting ready to walk away before she turned back to him. "Oh, and by the way, make sure to clean your damn room," she said before jogging towards Namjoon.

Charlie followed the blonde-haired man to the weapons room where it looked like Jungkook and Hoseok were just finishing up, cleaning their guns that they used for practice. Charlie grabbed a handful of throwing blades and followed Namjoon to their lane that had a dummy at the far end. Namjoon had her practice with both arms, trying to get her technique equal on both sides, as well as increase her speed and improve her accuracy. When she first started, her arms ached for days as she built up the muscle. Now, she was strong and could throw a blade pretty hard and pretty fast that even Jungkook was impressed with her biceps.

She eagerly ran through quite a few tries, her accuracy getting better as she kept throwing the blades. She would retrieve them and try again while Namjoon would provide suggestions for how to improve on little things he noticed.

When she started to get tired, Namjoon told her they were done for the day. They put the blades away and headed out to the training room, witnessing Jimin teach Jungkook some new moves as Jungkook nodded and tried to execute them. Charlie then noticed Jin and Taehyung standing around the mat, watching as well while she wondered what they were doing down here.

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