sPiLL tHE bEAnS: Aizawa Oversharing

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Again, Discord crackheadedness.

Someone put up the prompt, asked for it to be written, and I humbly volunteered myself.


Class 1-A of the Hero Course knew a few things. One of those things is that Aizawa-Sensei is married.

Aizawa-Sensei was a blunt man. If one of his little gremlins- I mean, students- asks him a question, he'll answer honestly and won't hold anything back. So he had no problem telling them that he was married and had a whole ass family. Even of it did cause an uproar.

But whenever they try to ask who this lucky individual is, or what his kid'sname is, the bell always rings or Baka-go loses his temper and explodes something, so they still don't know who would marry that man.


There were rumors floating around.

Rumors that a certain cockatoo was also married, and that it was to a certain grumpy cat man.

And that they had a son.

I mean, what the actual hell. Present Mic? And Eraserhead? They couldn't be more different! Mic was like if you gave a loud bird the personality of a DJ/10 year old and gave it crack. Aizawa was... Aizawa. He was that cat that hates everyone and will bite you if he want to.

And them having a kid! What would this mythical creature even be like? Loud and moronic like Mic? Grumpy and reserved like Eraser? Or would he be loud, moronic, and grumpy?

Some shuddered to think of what kind of offspring those two would produce, even of it wasn't biologically theirs. The two of them separate were a handful. But combined into one being? Hooooo boi.

But one day, the electric dunce Kaminari decides enough is enough. He was going to ask Present Mic himself about it.

"Hey, Mic-Sensei. Are you and Aizawa-Sensei really married? And have a kid?" The blonde asked over the chatter of the room, and then everyone shut up. All the students of 1-A had been dying inside to know if that one rumor is true.

Todoroki had already pulled put his conspiracy board (that he totally didn't carry around everywhere) and Midoriya whipped out his notebook, pencil ready so scribble down every bit of information he can absorb.

The class watched with baited breath as Mic turned to them slowly. Well, except Shinsou.

Mic sweat dropped. "Ah, well-"

The bird man was cut off by the door opening and Aizawa popping his head in. He looked directly at Shinsou, and at what he said, you could hear everyone's brains stop.

"Hitoshi, Hizashi was dumb this morning and forgot to pack you lunch. So I'm buying you McDonald's."

Then he turned his wisened gaze to Mic, glancing down to his husband's boots. "Babe, your shoes are untied. Love you, bye."

The class was so silent you could almost hear everyone's brains implode.

"I hope I get a Big Mac :D"

Then the class collectively lost their shit.

Todoroki lost his cool and started yelling about his conspiracies, the Bakusquad was cracking jokes and just generally losing their last two shared brain cells, and everyone else was just going ape shit.

Hizashi resigned himself to his fate, letting chaos reign in his classroom. But he can't help but think that Shouta should not have spilled that can of beans.

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