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Tokoyami sighed as he got out of the comfort of his bed to open the door. He wasn't expecting anyone tonight so whoever this was, they were going to get an earful.

But he was pleasantly surprised when everyone's favorite green cinnamon roll was smiling up at him.

"Hey, Yami! I was wondering if I could hang out with you in your room?" He said in all his adorableness. He was wearing a plain blue shirt and little black shorts, showing off his feminine curves. Tokoyami could not deny this boy of his right to fluster him unintentionally, so he agreed, his irritation fizzing out, because, let's face it, only monsters and Bakugo could be mad at Izuku.

So Tokoyami sat on his bed grabbing his phone, and Izuku plopped down. The emo birb turned on the crystal-ball lamp on his head board, then lighting his candles that burned a purple flame.

Izuku thought these things were the best thing since sliced bread. He liked how the candles burned purple, and this lamp was so COOL! And purple!

Izuku thought Tokoyami's room was overall super cool. His rug was this nice violet color that he couldn't really see cause it was so dark, and he had this winged skull decoration on the wall next to his bed. His blanket was black and sooooo soft! And he loves the silky curtains! The little green bean got up and spent a good amount of time just looking around Tokoyami's room, inspecting it while Tokoyami watched nervously.

This green haired boy was just so cute, and what if he didn't like his room, so he decided to go hang out with someone else? He had been spending a lot of time with Koda... And Koda had super cute animals, and not a dark vibe to his room... He had bunnies....

All doubts of Izuku not wanting to spend time with him anymore yeeted out the window as soon as Izuku turned around to Tokoyami with the most starstruck expression, "Yami! Your room is so cool! I LOVE all the dark colors! The purple and black are so perfectly balanced and compliment each other so well! And the decor is just overall AMAZING!!"

The birb boi's red eyes widened with delight and embarrassment, his quickly reddening face covered by his dark feathers. He jumped slightly when Izuku gasped.

"Yami!! Wait here a minute, I'll be right back!!" And with that he bolted out the room to wherever he was going, footsteps pounding down the hall. Tokoyami just stared at the door. Then Dark Shadow made an appearance.

"He's really cute, Yami. I like him! Do you think he'll give me pets?" The shadow demon exclaimed. Tokoyami's face inexplicably got more red.

He sat down on his bed to wait for Izuku. A few minutes later there was footsteps pounding back towards his room, then Izuku flew in with all his adorableness. He was panting hard and was holding six little bottles in his hand.

Oh, Tokoyami thought, It's nail polish.

Izuku smiled at Tokoyami excitedly and the teen felt his heart melt into a puddle on the floor, "We could paint each other's nails to match the room! I have a few purples and blacks, I wasn't sure which ones you'd like!" He said as he brandished the little bottles he was holding.

"I have shimmery, matte, clear glitter coats, and glow in the dark!" He said proudly, his smile getting bigger like he did something great and expected praise.

Tokoyami actually laughed at his crushes antics. He was so, so cute. And it had been awhile since Tokoyami painted his nails, so, what the heck.

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