Loneliness Was Always There, Until You Came Along

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Someone on Discord wanted this, and I actually wanted to write it, so here this is. Y'all decide if it's a ship or not, cause I'm torn between it being romantic or just a friend comforting a friend. Take it however y'all want.


Tokoyami cared for his friends very much. After all, they were the only friends he ever had. In all his previous schools, he had been shunned and purposely left out for his different features, 'scary' quirk, and his overall personality was found strange, so he was always alone.

It was fine at first, and he didn't mind. But then he saw all the friendships the other kids where making, and suddenly he felt rather... lonely.

But, that changed when he went to U.A.

After getting into the Hero Course, class 1-A, he was so excited. He was going to be a student at the most prestigious hero school, in the best hero course there was in Japan! He was worried that the kids here would treat him the same, and was prepared to go the year without friends again, no matter how sad that made him or how lonely he felt.

But he didn't go without friends. In fact, he made more friends than he ever thought he could. He had friend groups that he talked to everyday, hanged out with, and just had fun with. And he really couldn't be happier, even if he didn't express it.

Yet sometimes, it still feels like he's being left out; at those times the loneliness he felt before comes rushing back, and he feel like he's by himself even when surrounded by his friends.

Right now, the bird headed boy sat in the lunch room, his friends talking to each other. They seemed to be talking about the activity they'll be doing later. All Might will be there again. Midoriya and Uraraka talked animatedly, with lots of waving hands and smiles, Iida talked with his choppy hand movements, and Tsuyu and Todoroki watched with their usual expressions. They all seemed to be pretty content and...

...Not sparing him a glance...

I'm being ignored...

He blinked at the thought.

No, no. That's not...

But as he watched them a little longer, he realized that he really was. Tsuyu and Todoroki didn't really talk much, but they were still being included. Tokoyami was being ignored...

Quietly, the boy got up, walked away from the table, dumped his lunch, and slipped out the cafeteria. He paused and looked back for a second back at his friends. Of course, they hadn't noticed his absence; they were still talking.

Midoriya stopped mid conversion when Tokoyami got up abruptly and walked away. The others hadn't noticed. Tokoyami had been looking quite odd for a little bit before he left... Oh.

Tokoyami was feeling left out... he was being so quiet and we didn't try to include him and felt ignored...

The greenette frowned. His friends really hadn't notcied Tokoyami had left, and that made him sigh. He loved his friends, he really did, but sometimes they were just so oblivious.

"Excuse me guys, I just remembered I have something to do for Aizawa Sensei, so I have to go to the classroom! I'll meet you all in class after lunch, okay?" He smiled at them and was already walking to dump his tray by the time they had stopped the conversation, looking at him in confusion. But ultimately they let it slide and went back to talking.

Izuku went straight the classroom like he had said, and was relieved to find his brid headed friend inside. He wanted to make sure he was okay as soon as possible.

Tokoyami was sitting on the edge of the window with his legs pulled up to his chest and his arms on them, his head resting on his arms as he stared at the window, watching the leaves dance in the light breeze. Dark Shadow was perched on his head. He looked so lonely, and it make Midoriya's heart twist painfully.

"Tokoyami?" He called to him.

The other boy and his quirk manifest snapped their heads up, staring at Izuku in surprise, Dark Shadow retreating back into Tokoyami. What was Midoriya doing here?

Izuku gave him a soft smile. "What are you doing in here? Are you feeling okay?"

Izuku already knew the problem.

"Yes, I'm feeling... fine, Midoriya. I thank you for your concern, however it is not necessary." The red eyed boy said as Izuku took a seat across from him on the edge of the window, mirroring how he was sitting. Tokoyami looked away from Midoriya's observant eyes as he told the lie. He was feeling anything but fine, in fact, he was about to start crying before Midoriya walked in.

Midoriya gave him another soft, caring smile. "Are telling the truth, Tokoyami?"

He looked back out the window, unable to meet Midoriya's soft gaze. Of course Midoriya knew he was lying, this was Midoriya. Not only is he the kindest person ever, he's terrifyingly observant.

Tokoyami found one particular leaf interesting, watching it just as intentionally as Midoriya was watching him.

He sighed quietly, "No."

That soft smile was back. "Then what's wrong, Tokoyami?"

The bird headed boy sighed again. He might as well tell him, Midoriya already knew something was wrong.

"I was just feeling... left out. You were all conversing with each other, you were all so engaged, so I thought it wouldn't matter if I left because none of you were paying any attention to me..." He never looked back up at Midoriya. He didn't want to see his reaction, because he already knew that Midoriya would be smiling at him with that sweet, kind way he does whenever he's helping someone.

Izuku was, in fact, smiling at him like that. He reached out, slowly, and patted Tokoyami'a head.

"It's okay, Tokoyami," he said, "We never meant to leave you out. I guess Uraraka and I get a bit absorbed in our conversations, and we just suck other people into it too. I'll ask them to try to be more inclusive from now on, okay?"

Tokoyami looked back up at him to see his thoughtful and kind expression, and nodded, because be trusted Midoriya and took him for his word. He knew Midoriya wouldn't lie to his friends like that.

"Thank you, Midoriya... You have no idea how much that means to me."

Midoriya gave him a bright smile this time, "Of course, Tokoyami! We're your friends, we should make sure that you feel happy with us!"

Tokoyami wondered if this boy was a piece of the sun or something, cause he smiled way to brightly to be humanely possible.

But, sure enough, the next day, everyone made sure to include him during lunch. They made an effort so he didn't feel left out...

And Tokoyami could just smile. He had friends. And he couldn't be happier about it.

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