Part 47( Eri )

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Shinsuos p.o.v
We got u.a and Nexu told us to come to his office .
Izuku - hey nezu is eri okay
Nezu - yeah she'll be fine she has a fever and she don't know how to control her quirk yet so she's going to stay here until her fever goes down
Izuku - okay
Nezu - oh and overhaul isn't her father she got inducted by them because of her quirk and they've been abusing her since then and she had no family left
Izuku - that damn wannabe bird I wanna beat his ass again
( aizawas thoughts - I already know where this is going )
Nezu - and since she can't control her quirk I was thinking
He looked at dad and I knew exactly where this was going
Aizawa - why
Nezu - because you can erase her quirk if it gets out of hand and plus they can have a little sister
Izuku - reaaalllyyyy
He had sparkles in his eyes he was getting excited but me I don't really care
Aizawa - uugghh Stop looking at me like that izuku
Izuku - .......
Aizawa - .......
shinsuo - okay so why are you having a starring contest
Aizawa - mmmmm
Izuku - .....
Aizawa - okay fine geezzz
He started floating around the room like a 3 year old he really did look like a little kitten haa .
Aizawa - come down from there and let's go
Izuku - okaaaaay
Nezu - I'll leave the papers on your desk
Aizawa - yeah yeah okay

We left nezus room and went to recovery girls office .
Izuku - Heey Zenji
Recovery Girl - hellooo
Izuku - how is eri
Recovery Girl - She's fine you guys can go see her if you want
Izuku - yaay
We went in her room and she was sitting on the bed
Izuku - heeyy eri
Eri - he-hello
Izuku - how ya doing
Eri - oh um I'm fine what's your name
Izuku - I'm izuku
Eri - Izuku where is the other boy
Izuku - he's at the hospital getting his wounds treated
Eri - is he okay
Izuku - yeah he's fine
Eri - okay who are they
Izuku - that's my dad and that's Shinsuo
Aizawa - hey Eri
Shinsuo - Heeyy
Eri - heeyy
Izuku - are you bored
Eri - yes
Izuku - what do you like to do
Eri - um well I don't really know I've always been in a basement
Izuku - why
Um yeah he's really an idiot
Eri - because h-he cuts my ar-arm to make things with m-my sk-skin
He pulled Eri into a hug and started crying her reaction priceless I was trying to hold my laugh .
Izuku - aawww it's okay you won't get hurt with me around anymore
Eri - really
Izuku - yeah that bastard come close to you he's gone meet Jesus
Eri - Okaayy
Izuku - hey dad you gone tell her
Aizawa - yeah yeah
Aizawa - hey Eri
Eri - yes
Aizawa do you want to get adopted by me and let those too idiots back there be your older brothers
Eri - reallyyy

Well damn dad you didn't have to say that we were idiots .
Aizawa - yeah and your free to do what ever you want
Izuku - We will be the best big brothers ever
She started crying I was completely shocked mind blown
Eri - yeah I would love to
Izuku - yaaayyy
Aizawa - okay we're gonna let you rest and we're going to come back and get you tomorrow okay
Eri - okay
We left the room but izuku stayed back for a little bit

Izukus p.o.v

Izuku - Hey Eri
Eri - yes big brother izu
Izuku - aaaw cute but let's do something
Eri - like what
Izuku - let's find out what your favorite color is what's your style stuff like that
Eri - okay
Izuku - hey eri do you know how old you are
Eri - I'm 6
Izuku - your so cuute eri
I took my phone out and showed her all the colors and everything else we was doing
Izuku - okay bye Eri Ill see you later okay
Eri - bye big brother izu
She gave me a small smile but I think her real is even prettier I can't wait to see it .
I walked around and found dad and toshi in dads room dad was asleep and toshi was laying on the floor playing video games time for a little jump scare hehe .


Dad shot up and toshi dropped his phone right in the middle of his face
Izuku - wait what why
Aizawa - 1 you just screamed for no reason and 2 you WOKE ME UP
Izuku - wait I'm sorry but I still needed you to know that
Aizawa - what is it
I told them all about what she liked and her interests
Aizawa - here I want you 2 to go start getting her room fixed up and buy her some clothes and other stuff
Izuku - okay
I grabbed his hand and we teleported to the store and everybody started staring at us and I whispered to toshi
Izuku - umm why are they staring at us
Shinsuo - I don't know but it's weird I feel disgusted
Izuku - toshi im scared
Shinsuo - teleport us home
Izuku - aaaahhh what the heeelll

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