Part 46 ( Hero Work Studies Pt 2 )

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Izukus p.o.v
I woke up to my alarm clock blaring I haven't opened my eyes because the sun is shining in my room bright . I rolled over and turned it off I laid there for a few minutes and the a thought came across me
I looked around and realized he wasn't there then I fell out the bed trying to get out of it and went to his room
Shinsuos p.o.v
I woke up to my alarm clock going off I rolled over and turned it off then
Shinsuo - hey izu wake up
Shinsuo - uhh Izu
I sat up and realized he wasn't there then my door opened and I seen izuku . He walked to me sat in my lap and snuggled into my chest  .
Shinsuo - hmm missed me the much princess
Izuku - mhmm
Shinsuo - we have school today
Izuku - I wanna stay here
Shinsuo - were meeting up with mirio and nighteye
Izuku - .....

Izuku - mm fiinnnee
Shinsuo - oh and don't float around class today okay baby
Izuku - yeeaah I knooow

He left my room and I went and took a shower got out put my uniform on and went to izus room .

Izukus p.o.v
I walked out of toshis room and went and took a shower . When I got out i was putting my uniform on when I fel arms wrap around my waist
Shinsuo - looking fine as always
I felt my face heat up but I hid it in my arms and man I started stuttering .
Izuku - he-hey to-toshi
Shinsuo - hmm I see your flustered baby
Izuku - huh ... uuhh umm no I'm not
He turned me around and I looked straight into his eyes there so calm and relaxed all the time and he pulled me into a kiss I kissed back and one of his hands was on my lower back and the other was behind my head .
Shinsuo - I love you baby
Izuku - ( I giggled ) I love you too

I finished putting my uniform on and me and toshi went downstairs and seen papa kiss dad I whispered to toshi
Izuku - who knew papa could be so romantic
Shinsuo - they are old geezers
Izuku - hahahaha

Aizawa - you two ready
Izuku - hahaha
Shinsuo - Izu shush yeah we're ready
I stopped laughing and we got in the car

Shinsuo - hey dad why do you have 4 other rooms in your house they're just collecting dust.
Aizawa - hmm first time I thought about that was today irk they're just there I guess
Shinsuo - I have an idea
Mic - and that is
Shinsuo - one of them can be like a game room and the other a movie room and have the other 2 a guess room .
Aizawa - that's not a bad idea
Mic - yeah wee will do something about it after your hero studies
We got to school and left dad and papa we went to get our hero suites and met up with mirio .
Shinsuo - Yoo
Mario - so I need to tell you about night eye . He used to be Allmights sidekick . He can see the future but if he looks at you will his quirk he can see your future he's a good person when you get to know him so just act normal.
Izuku - who would want there future told to them I just go with the flow
Shinsuo - same here
Mirio - oouu let's have some fun let's race to The Nighteye Agency
"Your so on"
Mirio - ready set GO !
We started running to the nighteye agency mirio has gotten faster but I used my quirk and speed ahead of them two haha
I was at the night eye agency entrance waiting for them
Izuku - what took you so long
Shinsuo - don't even
Mirio - dude you used your quirk
Izuku - whaaaat you said let's have some fun
Mirio - yeah now let's go Nighteye is waiting
Izuku - okay

We walked in the agency and these people kept telling me hey and can they get an autograph but I just teleported us to his office his hair is weird but cool he looks like somebody from a marvel movie
Mirio - Hey night
Nighteye - hey mirio
Mirio - this is izuku and Shinsuo
Izuku - hey mr Nighteye your hair is coool is it naturally that color
Nighteye - yes and your the famous ultimate duo I want you to fight me
Izuku - ooouuu reallly
Nighteye - yes
We sat out stuff down and went underground to his training room .
Nighteye - I want you to go full out got it
We didn't say anything we just got into fighting stance ready to fight
( Nighteye - hmm interesting)
I felt something flying at me and it had a beep to it
Izuku - Toshi he's throwing something and it's like it had a bomb connected to it don't let it hit you
Shinsuo - alright gotchaa

It came towards my face I didn't see anything but I knew it was there I teleported behind nighteye and punched him towards the wall he blocked it and regained his footing .
Izuku - Magestic hell blaze
This attack sends red dark red and orange looking flames to my opponent if it touches them it will stay on them until I put it out . It grazed his knee and his knee was on fire I put it out instantly . He ran towards us and we ran to him he sent a right hook then a flare we jumped up I teleported above him toshi spinned in the air and kicked him to me he dodged my punch but not the kick Ik he's using his quirk to see what we're doing next but he won't know if we fake it then do the real one I hope
Shinsuo - 4 gods dance - tiger fist
I turned my self invisible and toshi almost hit Nighteye but he jumped back not know ing I was behind him .
Izuku - 90 ° wind coil
And I punched the air and he flew towards toshi and he threw these black things at us but we dodged them and I made a sword and cut the others in half . They exploded towards me but i sent it to nighteye but much stronger . He dodged by a hair
Nighteye - Okay I'm interested So let's get to buissnes come back to my office

After a few minutes of walking we was in Nighteye s office and he told us about the investigation of the Shie Hassaikai and their leader, Overhaul.
Nighteye - Me and bubble girl are going on patrol you 2 go with mirio
Izuku - Okaayy
He left the room and mirio told us to put our hero costumes on when we left we passed by this alleyway and then a girl bumped into me .
Mirio - hey izuku you okay
Izuku - yeah I'm fine
Izuku - hey are you okay what's your name
Eri - I'm sorry but I don't wanna go back
Izuku - go back where
Overhaul - cmon eri don't run off like that
She started shaking and I was getting worried
Izuku - hey you who are you a wannabe bird or something
Overhaul - Tsk No I'm her father
Izuku - that is hard to believe and you look familiar who are you really
Shinsuo - (whispered to mirio ) um that man is weird looking who is he
Mirio - I have no idea
Overhaul - cmon eri
I felt this kill intent come from him eri got up and left with him back in the alley

Izuku - I have a bad feeling
Mirio - let's go tell Nighteye what just happened
Shinsuo - yeah
We walked back to the agency and these fan girls kept taking pictures of us
Mirio - your famous hahaha
Shinsuo - they're taking pictures of all of us you idiot
Izuku - I hate this it's annoying
Shinsuo p.o.v
This little girl I think her name was eri bumped into izuku and he started to get annoyed at the man because he didn't answer his question then this killer intent was coming from him izuku got mad but eri got up and they walked back through the alley way I had a bad feeling and izuku she had a lot of bandages ion her and she had a little horn on her head we started heading back to the agency and izuku was still frustrated that he couldn't find out what his name was and he had a scowl on his face he poked like a angry kitten it was cute I wrapped my arms around him and loosened up
Shinsuo - calm down izu we will find out who he is when we get back to the agency okay
Izuku - yeah sure
Mirio - haha were famous
Shinsuo - they're taking pictures of you too idiot
Izuku - I hate this even mooree ugh it's annoying
Shinsuo - it's alright baby we're almost at the agency
Izuku - can't I just teleport us
Mirio - yeaahh
Izuku - Miri touch my hand
We teleported to nightdress office and he turned around and asked us what was we doing back so early .
Izuku - We ran into this little girl and she was wrapped in bandages and she had a little horn on her head . She was scared and shaking and then this ugly man with a beak and gloves came out and I asked what his name was and he completely ignored me and called the girl eri and said he was her father .
Mirio - He let out a killer intent and she went back to him and they turned around and walked away
Nighteye - that was overhaul
Izuku - I have a bad feeling about this like somethings happening o her and she just couldn't say it uuhhh it's frustrating
Nighteye - we're going to raid when the times right
Izuku - okaaay
With this your first day has ended

No ones p.o.v
With Uraraka and Asui

Asui and Uraraka is with Nejire at the Dragon Ryukus : Hero agency . She employs them right away and impressed when they take down two giant villains on their first day. She even considers letting them investigate the Shie Hassaikai

Kirishima is with Fat Gum and Tamaki at the fat gum agency and they're going to investigate the Shie Hassaikai as well

Tokoyomi is with the Hawks agency

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