Part 3 ( How it all started )

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Izukus p.o.

*30 mins later
I seen eraserhead coming towards me but before he got close I passed out .
When I woke up I was in a hospital room and my mom in another bed beside me I got up and seen the doctor coming in .
Doctor - I see your awake how are you are you okay .
I nod
Doctor - Do you mind telling me you name
"Izuku Midoriya"
Doc - Okay Izuku how old are you
Doc - okay imma go get your dad .

*15 minutes later

I seen the door start to open so I layed down and turned to face the wall . He started whispering thinking I was asleep
Hisashi - Why did you have to be born me and your mother could be living a happy life but now she's dead because of you .
I started to cry but he couldn't hear me I didn't know she died and why he blaming me I didn't do anything ....
3rd person p.o.v
Izuku fell asleep and his dad came in and got him and pretended to whip the tear off his face and took him home .. Izuku woke up to being thrown harshly on the ground ..

huh wait I didn't do nothing what does he mean by I'm gonna pay ..? Izuku thought
His father came back and started beating Izuku he picked him up and throwed him into the wall and knocked the wind out of Izuku he was gasping for air when his father kicked him in the stomach then he passed out ...

The next day
Izu p.o.v
I woke up in the living room on the ground I got up and checked the time I went to the bathroom cleaned myself and got my uniform for school . I slowly walked down the stairs slowly to not wake my dad because I didn't want to get beat again .
I walked to schools and reached my classroom I walked in and sat down the teacher walked in and started teaching . It was the end of the day and I was about to walk home when kacchan grabbed me by my hair and throwed me on the ground him and his goons started beating me up then they left I got up and walked home . I hesitated to open the door when I opened it a beer bottle hit me in the head
AAAAHHHH !.!  Dad that hurts please stop he didn't he just kept beating me with it . He stormed out the house to go get more bear and alcohol when I looked up I had scars on my hand my arms and my legs . I got up cleaned them the I went and took a nap .
*3 hours later
Izu's p.o.v
I woke up and it was 10:30 I heard car doors slam and new it was my dad I mentally prepared myself for a beating not knowing the full extent of what was about to happen ....
He walked in the house put his beer bottle(s) down and had one in his hand. He walked up the stairs slung my door open I flinched at the noise of his big feet . He walked up to me grabbed me by my hair and throwed me down the stairs I screamed at the pain of hitting the bottom of the stairs it's 3 freaking stories. He came down and throwed his beer bottle at my head and I screamed and cryed at the pain he was giving me .

Aizawa p.o.v
I was walking down the street doing my night patrol and I heard screaming coming from a house not to far from where I was so I ran towards the noise and called for backup I looked troughs the window seeing a little boy get beat with a whiskey bottle I ran to the door and the cops had pulled up and we went in .

Izu p.o.v
My dad was beating me with a whiskey bottle again then the door opened I stayed curled in a ball and heard eraserheads voice but I stayed in the ball I was in . My dad grabbed me by my hair and grabbed another whiskey bottle and ran up the stairs while still holding me by my hair eraserhead was running after us then my dad throwed me in the room and he came in and locked the door and still was beating me till eraserhead broke the door down . My dad had already pored alcohol on me and the floor then set the room on fire and he jumped out the window but was caught by the police and the roof of my room was about to come down because the fire started to grow Eraserhead got close to me but before he said some thing I put a barrier up and the rest of my room crashed down on the barrier I then passed out .

Aizawas p.o.v
This over sized man was beating on a cute little boy who looked to be only 3 or 4 . He grabbed the kid head and started running the little boy was crying and had blood all over him . I ran towards him with the kid in his hand up the stairs as he started setting things in fire . When I finally get up the stairs I hear the little boy telling his dad to stop and him screaming I kicked the door down to see his dad stabbing him with a whiskey bottle . When he saw me he throwed a match at the alcohol and jumped out the window luckily the police caught him . I started walking towards the because he was in a ball and crying I was feeling bad for the little boy then when I got close he grabbed my leg and put up a barrier of sum sort the roof of his room fell down on top of us when it did he fainted but his barrier stayed up so it could protect both of us and I stayed with him till some one came and got us out of the rubble . I grabbed the little boy and gave him to the ambulance . I followed behind them when we got to the hospital he started to breath heavy he was hyperventilating they took him into the back because he had to have surgery because to much blood was leaving his body .  I called Mic to let him know where I was and he came up there with Hitoshi our adopted son he was only 3 so he didn't wanna leave him at home alone .
(A - aizawa Y - yamada )

Y - So what happened ?? Are you Okaayy ??
A - Yeah in fine but the little boy I don't think so .....
Y - What happened to him
A - I was doin my patrol and I heard screaming so I went to the house but I went to the window first and I saw this over sized man beating him with a whiskey bottle and he was just curled into a little ball shaking . I ran in the house and he grabbed the little boy by his hair and started running up the stairs lighting the stairs on fire . When I caught up to him I hear the little boy screaming for help and for his dad to stop . When I broke the door down cause he had locked it he set the room on fire and jumped out the window the police caught him but when I bent down to see if the child was okay he had scars and newly cut ones on his body and he was shaking a lot then he grabbed my leg and put up the barrier to protect us from the falling rubble and passed out but the barrier was still up and his grip didn't loosen .
Y- I hope he's okay . Are your stayin hear till wakes up ?
A - Yeah I wanna check something
Y- Okay I'll stop by in the morning imma go put Hitoshi to bed I love you
A - I love you too

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