Part 41 ( The Big 3 vs Class 1a )

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* The Next Day
Shinsuos p.o.v
Everybody was in the car on the way to u.a having small talk .
Izuku - Hey dad how much stronger is the big 3
Aizawa - They  all could be as strong as endeavor or even stronger as so I heard .
Izuku - Now this is Intriguing
( with a smirk on his face )
Aizawa - Saying that you have to go full out oh and did I tell you Nezu and Allmight is going to be there
Izuku - ugh that mouse is going to ruin the fun
( Hitoshi hit izuku upside the head )
Shinsuo - your always trying to have fun instead of getting the job done
Izuku - and your talking
Aizawa - Nither one of you can talk you both do the SAME THING
Mic - I might just come just to see how much stronger you've gotten
Shinsuo - we're gonna blow you off your feet
Mic - we will see
We arrived at u.a me and izu went on ahead to class and dad went somewhere with papa .
Kaminari - Heeyy guys
Shinsuo - Yoo
Izuku - Heeyy
Kirishima - I'm so ready for today's test
Izuku - time to have some fun
( he got hip upside the head again )
Shinsuo - what did I tell you about that
Izuku - ( mumbled under his breath ) imma kick you in your "wat I told you about that ass" if you do that again
Shinsuo - oh really
Izuku - wait you heard me
Shinsuo - loud and clear
Izuku - FUCK
Shinsuo - just wait
Izuku - Noo your going to kill me
( He just glared at izuku )
Shinsuos thoughts - man I wanna fuck the shit outta him right now
Izuku -  ( starts to blush a little )
stop looking at me like that
Shinsuo - I think I'll keep doing it
Izuku went invisible
Kirishima - wait where did he go
Bakugou - stop flirting love birds
Shinsuo - oh shut up
something whacked him upside the head
Shinsuo - cmon princess stop hiding and come out already .
Izuku - fiineee
He became visible floating above the class
Kaminari - how did you get up there dude
Izuku - I can levitate
Kaminari - wow dude that's awesome
Izuku - how did you forget I could levitate bro
Aizawa - shut up and get your seats and izuku if you don't get down I'm throwing you down down a sewage drain
Izuku - Eeewww man that's nasty
Aizawa - Then get DOWN
Izuku - yes sir

Aizawa - change into your gym clothes and meet me at gym gamma

* 8 minutes later
We got to the gym and seen dad allmight papa and mr nezu standing above us
Mirio - hey guys
Izuku floated over to Mirio
Izuku - hey dude how's it been been training
Mirio - Heyy it's been good and you know it
Kaminari - since when have you 2 been buddy buddy
Izuku - sports festival
Nejire - heeeyy guuuysss
Izuku - heeeyy neejiii
Nejire - heeeyyy izuuuu
Aizawa - This is a learning experience learn from it
Tamaki - Mirio your impossible I'll fight when it gets interesting
Nejire - same heeerree
Tokoyami - your much further ahead of us but we've fought pros before
Kirishima - Not to mention we took down some legitimate villians
Tamaki  - look at how bad it may be if some of them can't recover after fighting you no ok e wanted to spend years in a hospital.
Kirishima - I Dont think you need to worry about hurting us we're not no wannabe hero's
Izuku - I could heal them tooo
Mirio - mmm heard but your going to have to show me that's true
Kirishima - you got it dude

Izuku was just floating around I stood some what close to the back to observe Ik izuku didn't want to fight because he didn't want no one to get caught in his attack and he wanted to observe and see how strong mirio is . Right before Koda attack Mirios closed fell off
Izuku -  WOW cool dude look at your clothes
Mirio - oopps my quirk can be impossible sometimes

Why is he excited over that that's weird
( Aizawas thoughts - Todoroki is awfully calm about all of this ) .
Koda kept advancing with his attack and went through Mirios head ahaha
Mirio - Went for the face huh
Sero , Mina , and Aoyama sent a combined attack towards mirio but it went right through him .
Kaminari - wait ... where did he go
Izuku - He's about to appear behind Jiro
Nezu - oouuu really
Everybody turned around
Mirio - I think I'll start with the long distance fighters
( Tamakis Thoughts - Mirio did a work study with a hero he didn't stop their he kept building up his body up . His quirk isn't something you should be jealous of you should be inveying his skills that's what sets the party 1st years .
He took out everybody except uraraka , Iida , kirishima , Ojiro , Me and izuku
Kirishima - I have no idea on how he did that
Uraraka - It's 1 thing to be able to phase thoug things but to be able to warp through stuff too is crazy
Ojiro - He's unrivaled do we even stand a chance
Mirio - Hold the flattery
( Tamakis Thoughts - unrivaled tuh with that 1 word i know exactly where you stand you need the ability to figure out why . If you can't tell how much hard work Mirio was put in then your never going to match him ) .
I started walking to where Iida them was and izuku floated down and started walking beside me with his hands in his pockets mine was behind my head
( kiillua walk )
( Izukus thoughts - Now it's time for me to get EXCITED )
Izukus p.o.v

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