Part 43 ( Training )

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* The next day

Shinsuos p.o.v
We was waiting in the classroom on dad because he since he likes to come in late .
Aizawa - Put on your gym clothes and meet me at ground games so you can do your training with izuku and shinsuo

* A few Minutes later
Everybody was in gym gamma waiting on izuku
Izuku - Soo who wants to train in what

Kirishima - hand to hand combat
Kaminari - To use more of my power without getting brain dead
Uraraka - Martial arts and my surroundings
Mina - Same here
Ojiro - Combat
Tsuyu - To perfect your camouflage
Jiro - Long distance skills

Izuku - okay uuuumm kirishima uruaka and Mina you stay with me kaminari Ojiro and tsuyu you go with toshi .

Izuku - okay kirishima hard your skin and come at
Kirishima - okay
Kirishima ran towards izuku and sent multiple punches which izuku blocked then he side kicked him which was blocked
( izukus thoughts -  averaged speed)
Izuku - Now try with out hardening your skin
Kirishima - alright
He ran at izuku he punched upwards and then tried to kick him down izuku dodged and punched him down but not hard
( izukus thoughts - he's faster without it hardened so he just use his harden skin for defense )
Izuku - hmm when you use hand to hand combat you need to be more precise on what you do run and try and punch me
He ran and izuku caught it
Instead of automatically punching trick them into thinking your doing something else
Izuku - Mr . aizaawwwaaaa
Aizawa - huh
Izuku - can you come here
Aizawa - yes ?
Izuku - can you be my partner for a sec so I can show them some thing
Aizawa - sure
I ran towards dad and before I got close I went right and ran back towards him and faked a kick and punched him but it didn't connect to his body because he was behind me hehe .
Kirishima - wait how did he get behind you and why didn't your punch connect
Izuku - like I said when your face onG a sting opponent you have to be precise and quick on your feet
Kirishima - okay I get it
Izuku - kirishima work on your speed and then imma want you to go full out on me later okay
Kirishima - you got it dude
Izuku - okay Mina come at me
She ran at izuku
( izukus thought - oouu shes kinda fast )
Threw a right hook the a side kick izuku dodged and jumped up she jumped up and kicked his side and then used her speed to punch down before he could block
Izuku - ooouu that was cool and when your in bad use your speed as an advantage
Mina - what do you mean
Izuku - run towards me but in a straight line and try and punch me
She did and he caught it
Izuku - Put all your strength in your right leg and then accelerate
She did and know she was faster But she flew into the wall
Mina - okay that was too much
Izuku - okay when you do that use it as your advantage take your opponent by surprise
Mina - okay
Izuku - now you Uraraka
She ran towards izuku  and right kick , left hook the right flare ( she squatted down and tried to trip him )
He jumped up and she punched him send ong him back but he caught his self
Izuku - oou good job uraraka
Uraraka - thanks
Izuku - know both of you sit down we will work on noticing your surrondings before kirishima gets back
Izuku - okay close your eyes and concentrate and if I am able to hit you that means you need to move faster
* 45 minutes later
Izuku - okay you have the basics now and you can get better at doing it if you train
Aizawa - what have you learned so far Mina and Ochaco
Mina - use my speed and power as an advantage
Aizawa - meaning ?
Mina - surprise my opponent and then when I do hand to hand combat have power behind my attacks instead of just having the attack
Aizawa - okay good what about you
Uraraka - Speed can be a lot in battle and if you have speed you can have your opponent beat but if you opponent is good at Watchin his surroundings you need to be able to read yours and over power your opponent
Aizawa - wow izuku good job
Aizawa - where's kirishima
Izuku - he should be running through those doors in 3 .. 2 ... 1
Kirishima - hey izuku im ready
Izuku - take a break first and then you mina and Uraraka are going to come at me at once so come up with a plan in the mean time .

With shinsuo
Shinsuo - Ojiro your tail is predictable so try to make it unpredictable surprise your opponent and don't let your tail be read easily
Ojiro - alright you got it
Shinsuo - hey denki for you instead of shooting your electricity uncontrollably all over the place try shooting a bolt
Kaminari - how do I do that
Shinsuo - uhum holon izuuuukuuu come here
Izuku - huh
Shinsuo - can you teach kaminari about electricity
Izuku - sure cmon denki were going out side
Kaminari - okay
Shinsuo - Jiro when you use heart beat fuzz try and expand the range of it
Jiro - okay
Shinsuo - okay you have an hour to try and come up with some something because I will be putting it to the test

Wits Aizawa and the other teachers
Midnight - So what are they doing shouta
Aizawa - izuku and Hitoshi are training them
Ectoplasm - I mean yeah there strong and but why
Aizawa - because they're the only 2 that beat The big 3 and they got whipped out before they could even move
Cementoss - ooh dang well at least they work togethor to get stronger
Aizawa - they're doing a simulation in about an hour
Midnight - what do ya mean
Aizawa - all of them vs izuku and shinsuo they're to go full out and use what they learned on them
Midnight - wait shinsuo and izuku are going full out 2 but if that happen they won't stand a chance
Aizawa - I didn't say that shinsuo and Hitoshi isn't going full out the other ones are
Midnight - ok ok

*1 hour later
Izuku - You guys ready
" YEAH "
Izuku - I want you to go full out on us
"Can you go full out on us so we can work on what we don't have down yet "
Izuku - only if want us to
Todoroki - were joking too
Izuku - oouu when did you two get back and did you get the license  . 
Todoroki - we've been back for a while now Yes we got it and We've gotten stronger
Izuku  - Now this is going to be a AWESOME FIGHT
Shinsuo - You guys ready
Aizawa - he ain't lying this is going to be interesting
Midnight - are we going to have to stop them
Aizawa - naw if they destroy the building Cementoss can just rebuild it like he did last time
Midnight - Okay

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