A Future To Look Forward To - A Multi-Couple One Shot

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Hey guys! I'm finally back and updating! I'm sorry for the long break in between updates, but this one took me forever to finish because I got a major case of writer's block in the middle of it. This is very different from my normal Caleo/Percabeth one-shots but I'm super proud of it. I think you guys will like it! It has a bunch of couples including Percabeth, Caleo, Jasper, Gruniper, Tratie, and Frazel. 

Background info: This is set in the future after the Giant War. There isn't really a set-in-stone time frame because I'm horrible at math but I feel it makes sense. I brought back some deceased characters for this because I'm still in the denial stage about their deaths, so... The idea for this one-shot came from one I read a while back on Wattpad. I don't remember the author's name so unfortunately I cannot credit them, but the main plot idea of all of the characters living in one house together with their kids goes to them. 

Disclaimer: The only characters I own are the kids! All others belong to the one and only Rick Riordian. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this one, I put a lot of work into it. 

Annabeth sighed with exhaustion, shouldering her bag as she dug around in her pocket for the keys to the door. She was about to set her bag down to search some more when the door swung open, revealing a girl with choppy brown hair and kaleidoscope-like eyes with a large grin on her face. Annabeth smiled, her mood improving at the sight of her best friend. "Hey, Pipes," she said, stepping into the foyer as Piper shut the door behind them. Piper gave her a quick hug as Annabeth set her bag on the floor near the large coat closet. "Thank the gods you're here, Annie." Piper was the only person besides Percy who was allowed to call her Annie without ending up on the floor with a dagger pressed to their throat. "Why's that?" Annabeth questioned as they walked into the large living room. On the floor, spread across the large white area rug, sat a five-month old baby girl with brown hair and grass green eyes. She was wearing a onesie that had a cartoon cow on it eating wheat with the expression, "I love my FARM-ily". She was chewing on a plastic ring and giggling happily. To her left sat a two-year old boy with straight blonde hair and Piper's eyes. He held a small toy car in one hand and a Mythomagic figurine in the other. Piper shot the children an exhausted glance before sinking into one of the many recliners in the spacious room. "These two have been fighting all day." Annabeth looked over at children, who were sitting quietly with their respective toys. She raised an eyebrow at Piper, who threw her hands into the air. "Of course when you show up they finally behave! I've spent all day trying to keep Robbie from stealing Rose's toy. He wants to use it as a 'trap for the drakon'," she explained, motioning towards the miniature version of one of the monsters Annabeth had fought dozens of times in Piper's son's hand. Rose glared at him, her expression shockingly similar to her mother's. Annabeth laughed, sitting down next to Piper as she leaned down to slip out of her heels. "Gods, it feels good to look at something other than blueprints for once." Piper rolled her eyes. "Maybe try babysitting your children for once and tell me just how much you miss those blueprints." Annabeth laughed, glancing around the suspiciously empty room. "Speaking of, where are Charlie and Zoe?" She asked. Piper was about to reply when a stampede of footsteps broke through the quiet of the living room. The door to the kitchen swung open as a five-year old boy with curly blonde hair and sea green eyes sprinted into the room, knocking over a pile of papers that was sitting on the accent table next to the door. Following him was a woman with curly brown hair that matched her dark skin, her gold eyes wide with exasperation as she glanced frantically around the room. On her hip sat a small infant girl with black hair and grey eyes, her pacifier dangling from her mouth as she balled her fists, pounding on the girl's arm. Annabeth watched as the papers scattered across the dark oak floor. Hazel stopped abruptly, sighing in relief when the boy stopped running, sitting down next to Robbie. Annabeth stood, carefully stepping around the mess of papers. "Hazel," she said, giving the girl a quick hug before taking the baby from her arms. "Zoe, baby," she cooed, brushing some of her daughter's hair out of her wide, grey eyes. "How was she?" Annabeth asked as she followed Hazel over to where Piper was sitting, staring at her phone in confusion. Hazel laughed, her eyes gleaming. "She was wonderful. So well behaved. She reminds me so much of you." Annabeth smiled at her friend. "I assume Charlie wasn't so well-behaved?" "Let's just say I got a workout." Annabeth chuckled, watching her son play as she balanced Zoe on her lap. Piper looked up, her face twisted in confusion. She held her monster-proof (courtesy of Leo) phone screen out for Hazel and Annabeth to see. It was a text from Thalia that read, "Be warned. Travis is about to get kicked into next week. I'll be there as soon as I can." Annabeth laughed. "What in Hades could that be about?" Just then, the front door opened, revealing a very frazzled man with brown hair and blue eyes, followed by a Latino man with curly brown hair and brown eyes, a sheepish grin on his face. Piper stood and walked up to Travis who looked as if he was about to meet Thantanos himself. "Gods, Travis. What did you do this time?" He turned, glaring at Leo who was sitting on one of the couches, leaning down to look at something Charlie was showing him. Leo smirked, holding his hands up in surrender. "It was a mere suggestion, Stoll. Didn't mean you had to take it. You know Katie's wrath better than anyone." Piper, Hazel, and Annabeth shared a knowing look. Piper glanced sympathetically at Travis, who was still white as a sheet. "You just can't leave her alone, can you?" Travis simply nodded. Piper as about to ask him another question when a car door slammed outside, loud enough for everyone to hear. Travis paled even more before leaping behind the couch, crouching so he wasn't visible anymore. The front door slammed open, causing everyone to jump. A woman with long, wheat colored blonde hair and green eyes sparkling with anger stood in the doorway. The fern that was sitting on the table next to her began to wilt, its leaves falling to the ground in response to her anger. Annabeth knew from experience that if she stayed next to the plant long enough, it would be dead within minutes. "Where. Is. He?" she growled, accenting each word as her eyes scanned the group of people in the living room. Everyone stayed silent except for Piper, who tried to stifle her laugh by pressing the back of her hand to her mouth. A few seconds passed before a noise came from behind the couch, followed by a curse in Ancient Greek. Travis rose from behind the couch. "Katie, I..." "Gods, Travis! You never quit! I swear to all of the gods that you won't see the light of day next time!" The color suddenly returned to Travis's face, and he no longer looked terrified. "Next time, huh?" he asked, walking closer to his furious wife. She huffed, her face red. "That is not what I meant and you know it!" Even though she still radiated anger, Annabeth could see her rage deflating as Travis stepped closer to her. Travis was the only one who knew just how to calm her down. It was the reason they worked so well together. Leo stood up and walked over to where the three girls sat, watching the scene with amusement. Piper glanced at him, raising her eyebrow. Leo's grin was infectious as he sat on the floor next to the couch. "I may or may not have dared him to hide Katie's favorite pair of gardening gloves. He took it a step farther by burying them under her favorite patch of azaleas." He explained, gesturing to the window behind them which faced Katie's home garden. Annabeth could see a mess of dirt where Katie had presumably found the gloves. Annabeth smiled, laughing to herself as Hazel rolled her eyes. Piper punched Leo on the arm. "Is it your mission to make everyone hate each other, Valdez?" She joked as he grinned back at them. "Only sometimes. It gets boring around here. I like to spice things up, Leo style." Piper smacked his arm in response. Annabeth glanced back to where Katie and Travis stood, in the midst of a heated argument. Katie had her arms crossed over over her chest, her long honey-colored hair falling into her face as she bickered with her husband. At her feet, her daughter crawled over to her and tugged on the bottom of her skirt. Katie sighed, obviously sick of listening to Travis as she leaned down and scooped Rose into her arms. At the sight of his daughter, Travis's face softened and he looked back up at his wife with an apologetic expression. "Katie," he said, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her cheeks tinged red at the gesture. "I'm sorry, honey. I love you. I guess I just don't know how to show it." The anger melted off of her face, replaced by understanding and amusement. She stepped forward, adjusting her daughter so Rose's head nestled into the crook of her neck, one of Katie's arms supporting her bottom. She grinned, wrapping her free arm around Travis's neck. "I forgive you, Stoll," she replied before leaning forward and kissing him. He rested his hand on the side of her face, deepening the kiss before pulling back and looking down at Rose. Annabeth's face hurt from smiling as she watched Katie hand Rose to her husband. At her side, Hazel sighed with happiness, one of her hands pressed to her heart in a old-fashioned gesture. Just then, Zoe began crying, her tears soaking into the front of Annabeth's shirt. Piper laughed. "Guess she didn't enjoy that as much as we did." Everyone laughed, including Annabeth as she gently stood up, cradling her daughter in her arms. She walked into the open kitchen, pulling open the fridge door and pulling a baby bottle filled with formula off of the shelf. As she prepared the bottle, she glanced down at her wedding rings, the diamonds glinting in the overhead lights of the kitchen. She wanted nothing more than to crawl into his arms and hold their child after a stressful, never-ending day of work as the CEO of Olympus Industries, Annabeth's own architecture company. She lifted the bottle towards Zoe as she carried her back into the living room, which was empty now except for Piper and Robbie. Piper was sitting on the couch still, typing furiously into her phone. Annabeth sat down next to her, adjusting her grip on Zoe. She glanced over Piper's shoulder to see what she was doing. Piper glanced up and sighed, her exhaustion evident. "Jason apparently has never been to a grocery store in his life," she muttered, tilting her phone screen so Annabeth could see the dozens of back-to-back messages from Piper's husband. Most began with, "Where is...?". Annabeth laughed. "Does he seriously not know where the lima beans are?" she asked, reading one of his texts off of the screen. Piper rolled her eyes. "Apparently not. I swear to the gods he's going to be the end of me." Annabeth laughed, bumping her shoulder with Piper's. "You should thank the gods Robbie is so well-behaved. I'm not even home most of the time and Charlie still gives me a headache." Piper chuckled, glancing over to where her son sat quietly, pushing his toy car along the rug. "I think he gets that from Jason. Even I know I wasn't that calm as a child." She glanced over at the stairs leading to the second floor of the house. "Hazel took Charlie upstairs. I think she stuck him with Nico to calm him down." Annabeth smiled at the mention of Charlie's favorite uncle. Nico was the only one who could successfully calm their child without some form of bribery. Annabeth blamed Percy for Charlie's pleading face, it rivaled his father's. Just then, the front door opened, and Annabeth released a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. She could feel the tension in her shoulders ease as she drank in the sight of her husband. His forever-messy windswept black hair and sea green eyes complimented his black formal pants and his loosely buttoned white shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves. His eyes landed on Annabeth holding their child, a large grin appearing on his face. She stood up and met him halfway, his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her gently against his chest. He smiled, her cheeks tinged pink as she leaned forward and kissed him. He dug his free hand into her hair, kissing her back before a dramatic sigh pulled them apart. Piper looked up, her eyes wide as she realized what she had interrupted. "Oops! Sorry, Annie," she said, twisting the blue feather braided into her hair. "Jason didn't know what a pinto bean is." Percy laughed, picking Zoe out of Annabeth's arms and cradling her against his chest. "That sounds about right." Annabeth kissed her daughter's forehead before handing Percy the formula bottle she had been holding and sitting back down next to Piper, plucking her phone out of her hands. Piper rolled her eyes, not bothering to protest. She was used to Annabeth having to explain things to her husband. Annabeth clicked the dial button, turning on the speakerphone so Percy and Piper could join the conversation. Jason picked up on the first ring. "I'm sorry honey," he said, sounding out of breath. Annabeth laughed. "Percy, tell Jason what a pinto bean is." Jason laughed on the other end. "Of course it's Annabeth. Even my own wife can't deal with me anymore." Piper sighed dramatically, crossing her arms over her chest even though Jason couldn't see her. "Maybe if you learned what a vegetable was we wouldn't be in this situation, Grace," she replied. "Piper, honey, may I remind you that you're the one who normally does the shopping? This is new to me." Percy chuckled, setting Zoe next to Robbie on the rug before walking over to where Annabeth sat, wrapping an arm around his wife's waist. "Jason, just because we're demigods doesn't mean we don't know our way around a grocery store." Annabeth could practically hear Jason roll his eyes. "Gods, this is why I prefer my nine-to-five." "Because you can leave your poor lonely wife to take care of your child and do the shopping?" Piper replied sarcastically. Jason sighed. "Pipes, we live in a house with fourteen other adults. Our fridge is perfectly fine." Annabeth laughed before standing up and walking towards the kitchen. "Speaking of fridges, I need something to eat." Piper absently waved goodbye as she continued arguing with Jason, while Percy watched with amusement. Annabeth looked up as she entered the kitchen, surprised to see Calypso and Juniper sitting at the large kitchen table, their heads bent over a large sheet of paper. Juniper was eating a bowl of blueberries, occasionally popping one into her mouth before pointing to something on the paper. Calypso looked up when Annabeth entered. "Hey," Annabeth said, sneaking a blueberry from Juniper's bowl as Juniper smiled at Annabeth in greeting. "What's happening here?" she asked, motioning towards the paper as she pulled open the fridge. Calypso rolled her eyes. "Ever since Leo decided to appoint Grover as his manager at the garage, Grover has been forcing his poor overworked wife to look over all of his bookings. I offered to help since it was my own dimwit husband who decided this would be a good idea." Annabeth laughed, plucking a yogurt from one of the shelves before walking over to the table. She stepped between Calypso and Juniper, pulling both of them into a side hug before glancing at the long list of names and numbers spread before them. "Leo and Calypso's Garage" was spelled out in big letters at the top of the paper, making Annabeth smile. Leo's dream since he landed on Ogygia all of those years ago was finally coming to fruition much faster than he had imagined, thanks to all of his friends' help during the process. 

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