When It All Fell Apart - Caleo

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Okay - I will admit this is becoming more of a Caleo One-Shot book than a PJO/HOO one - oops. But I have a strong love for Caleo (if you couldn't tell). But I have a few more and then I'll find some time to write some more for Percabeth. They're actually my OTP but I feel I couldn't bring their relationship justice through my writing :)

Calypso sank to the ground, her tears splashing on the dirt of the cabin's floor. She sobbed, trying desperately to understand what went wrong, why he had walked away from her. From them. As she cried, her mind drifted back to an hour prior, where it all went wrong. 


 "Where's Leo?" Calypso asked, snatching an apple from Piper's hand as she sat down across from her at the Aphrodite table. Because Calypso technically wasn't a demigod, she was allowed to pick wherever she wanted to sit. She spent most of her time switching between the Seven's tables. Piper rolled her eyes before picking up her omelet, taking a quick bite. "It's not my day to keep track of your fiance," she replied. Calypso stuck her tongue out at her best friend before sighing, twirling the apple between her fingers. Lacy, one of Piper's sisters, looked up. "I think I saw him in Bunker Nine. Or at least I saw him nearby. He looked like he was busy with some kind of project." Calypso sighed. "He's always busy with some project. Sometimes I wonder if he loves metal more than me." Piper laughed, nudging Calypso with her foot under the table. "That boy is crazy about you, Cal. He literally died and came back just to find you again." Calypso smiled, feeling herself blush at the memory. She finished off her apple before standing up. "I guess it's time to go track him down," she said. Piper and Lacy waved goodbye as she walked out of the pavilion, heading towards the back of camp, where the large dirt wall that was the entrance to Bunker Nine was situated. Calypso was about to press her hand against the dirt to open the door when she heard a giggle from a few feet away, where the trees opened into a clearing for the bunker. She squinted, confused, as she stepped closer to the sound. A few seconds passed silently before Calypso shook her head, stepping back towards the wall. "It's probably a nymph," she muttered to herself. But before she could open the door, another giggle resounded from the tree line, followed by a distinctly male voice, one that sounded familiar. Calypso's heart squeezed in her chest as she tried to convince herself that the voice she had just heard was not her fiance's. She quickly sidestepped behind a tree, peering around the trunk as quietly as she could. It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness of the forest, but what she saw next made her heart split in two. Leo was grinning at a girl - Calypso recognized her as one of the new Aphrodite campers - her hand resting on his shoulder as he whispered something to her, resulting in another obnoxious giggle. Calypso clasped a hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying out, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks as she watched her fiance hand the girl a necklace. She squealed as she fastened it around her neck. Calypso couldn't take it anymore. She ran from behind the tree, not bothering to look behind her as she booked it down one of the camp's roads towards her cabin that Chiron had made for her once she moved into the camp. At the time, she had an option to move to New Rome at Camp Jupiter with Percy, Annabeth, Frank and Hazel, but she chose to stay at Camp Half-Blood to be with Leo. She had just made it to the door when she heard a voice behind her. "Cal!" She ignored Piper's shouts as she raced into the cabin, slamming the door behind her and sinking the floor, her tears splashing on the dirt. Seconds later, a knock resounded through the empty cabin. "Go away," Calypso sobbed. She knew she sounded like a child, but her heart was too broken for her to care. The door gently opened against Calypso's wishes, Piper's head peering through the sliver of light coming from the open door. "Cal, what's wrong?" She asked, opening the door fully and slipping inside before sinking to the ground next to Calypso, her face filled with worry. Calypso took one look at her best friend before falling apart completely, her body wracked with painful sobs. Piper wrapped her in a hug, allowing her to cry until all of her tears had dried. After a few minutes, Calypso pulled away, wiping her eyes. "Leo," she whispered, her voice raspy with pain. "He-he was with another girl. In the woods. She was giggling, and he-he gave her a necklace." Piper knit her eyebrows, her face twisted in concentration. Then she raised an eyebrow, leveling her gaze with Calypso's. "Did she have long blonde hair and was wearing a LOT of pink?" Calypso glared at Piper, annoyed with her indifference to her heartbreak. "I wasn't exactly paying attention, Pipes. But yeah, I think she was." Piper smiled, causing Calypso to become even more confused. "That's Abigail!" She exclaimed like she had just solved a mystery. "I don't care what her name is, Piper." She muttered, ignoring the tears starting to form in her eyes again. "No, Cal. You don't understand. Abigail is one of the new Aphrodite campers. As cabin counselor, it's my job to know who's who and who they're dating and all of that crap." Calypso arched an eyebrow, motioning for Piper to continue. "Abigail just started dating one of the Ares campers. His name is Jack, I think." "Then why was she flirting with MY fiance? He gave her that necklace, too." Piper sighed, shooting her a look. "I wasn't done. I overheard her talking to Lacy the other day. She had commissioned one of the Hephaestus kids to make a custom necklace for Jack. One that turned into a shield he could use during battle. It was her gift to him for his birthday, I think. Apparently Leo was the one who made it." Calypso racing heart began to calm, but she wasn't ready to forgive and forget just yet. "Then why was she giggling and flirting like that?" Piper rolled her eyes. "Cal, she's an Aphrodite kid. I know better than anyone that any of my siblings giggle twenty-four seven. It's like our thing. Plus, Leo's got that bad-boy mechanic thing going for him. But everybody at this camp knows of his relationship status. It's the only thing he talks about." Calypso could feel her heart mending, the pieces putting themselves back together. Leo really did love her. "Oh my gods, Pipes. I'm so sorry for doubting him," she said, throwing her arms around her best friend. Piper laughed, hugging her back. "You need to tell him that, not me. Now go find your man before he gets lost." Calypso laughed, standing up. "That's more of Percy's thing. Leo just gets lost in his own eyes." Piper grinned. "You got that right." They started to the door. "You look fine," Piper chided when she noticed Calypso rubbing her tear-stained cheeks. "If anything, it helps that pale complexion of yours," she teased. "Hey!" Calypso exclaimed, smacking Piper's arm. "Really, girl. After three thousand years on that island, how are you not more tan?" Calypso rolled her eyes, following her out into the camp's sunny fields in front of the cabins. "I'm leaving now." Piper gave her one last hug before rushing off in the other direction, no doubt to find Jason and scold him for his latest injury he received fighting a drakon in the middle of the night. Although Calypso had knew the truth of Leo's encounter earlier that morning, she was still wary of seeing him again. For ten minutes of her life, she had thought she had lost the first good thing that had happened to her in over three thousand years. Calypso walked up to Bunker Nine's door, pressing her hand against the dirt. She watched as the door slid open to reveal Leo hammering a piece of sheet metal, loud rock music blasting throughout the bunker. It was far too loud for him to hear the door open, so she leaned against the frame, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched her fiance pound at the metal, sweat streaming down his face. He was wearing a white tank top and jeans that were smudged with grease and soot, his tool belt hanging around his waist. Calypso wanted nothing more than to run into his arms, but she steadied herself against the door frame, watching him silently for a few more minutes. She was about to talk herself out of catching his attention when he turned around, wiping a hand down his face. His warm brown eyes scanned the room before connecting with hers, a grin spreading across his face. She silently cursed as her knees began to shake. "Gods, Valdez," she muttered, remaining in the doorway as he made his way over to her. He arched an eyebrow when she didn't move, but continued walking towards her until they were nose-to-nose. He smelled like a burning campfire, causing her to lose focus on the small amount of anger she still held within her. At this point, she was having a hard time remembering why she was even upset in the first place. His eyes glinted as he leaned down, his lips hovering over hers. She shook her head, trying to back up. He glanced at her in confusion before grinning even wider, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Valdez," she chided, biting her lip. She could feel his gaze on her mouth. "You're getting my clothes dirty. I have to wash them three times a day." He chuckled, pulling her closer. "You have magic, Sunshine. Use it for once instead of complaining." She rolled her eyes, trying to keep her smile buried. She snapped her fingers, her shirt instantly returning to its clean white color. She could have cleaned Leo as well, but she was a sucker for his messy look. He ran a hand through his curly dark brown hair, looking into her eyes with concern. "What's wrong, Cal?" he whispered, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She sighed, looking at the floor. If she was being completely honest, she was more upset with herself than she was with him. She felt terrible for doubting him, for not trusting him. "Do you love me, Leo?" she whispered, surprising herself with the question. She had never thought she would actually ask him. His eyes widened, and she silently cursed, stepping back. But he reached out, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. "Cal, what kind of question is that?" She smiled sheepishly, biting her lip. "Of course I love you," he continued, looking her in the eyes. "When I died after the fight with Gaea, the last thing I remembered thinking of was your face, Sunshine. You were my reason for risking my life to find the Physician's Cure. I had always felt left out with the other Six, but the minute I met you I knew I had something to fight for, something worth living for." She gasped, trailing her finger along his cheek. His eyes shone with vulnerability. "You're everything to me, Cal. Even when you drive me crazy, I know I can't live without you." She could feel a tear run down her cheek as Leo gently wiped it away with his thumb. "Oh gods, Leo. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that." His face broke into his signature cocky smirk that she could never get enough of as he led her to one of the metal tables against the wall. She grinned as she pulled herself up onto the table, dangling her legs off of it as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He held up her left hand, the diamond glittering in the shop's light. Next to it, two small stones carved from the crystal from her cave in Ogygia were nestled. "You're stuck with me," Leo said. She smirked, hooking her arms around his neck. "And somehow, that doesn't seem so bad," she teased, her heart repairing itself fully as her lips met his. Gods, she loved him so much. And now, she knew without a doubt that he felt the same way.

Hope you liked it! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my writing - it means a lot more than you think! :)

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