general survivors story shit

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Original name - thing to relate to - story name - name later on in story - trait/skill

Gigi - Pony - Poni - hunter - animal love

Megan - Glasgow - Scot - ginger - language

Katie - BBC - Mori - Murderer - psychopathic tendencies

Claire - Anime - Eri - ... - happiness/joy

Wendy - Maze runner - Maze - Brain - knowledge

Laura - Actress/actor - Act - Faker - fakery/acting

Darcy - Chief - Chief - Boss - leadership

Becca - Minion - minion - ... - comforting

Amelia - Pig - Sow - Pig - greed

Delilah - beauty - belle - ... - beauty

Jessica - music - Sonja - Muse - music

Alyssa - orange - Ra - G - colour

Matilda - aracniphobia - Phia - Wimp - fear

Jasmine - vegetarian - Vegg - ... - Peace

Sophie - history - Toree - ... - history

Poni, Scot, Mori, Eri, Maze, Act, Chief, Sow, Belle, Sonja, Ra, Phia, Vegg and Toree. Fifteen girls, all entered in a scientific experiment. They will remember nothing about themselves, and all they will have is their new name.

They will each get a sheet of paper, with the following information on it.

New name.
Escalated trait/skill
Special electronic gift
How to use your skill to your advantage
Which team.


Animal contact.

A whistle that can imitate any call of any animal. It can be used to either attract or frighten animals. It is telepathic.

Befriend animals, and the pack is more likely to trust you.

Red team.



A pendant that makes it possible for you to understand any language, possibly even animals.

Persuasion is one of your skills. Use it to captivate and to gain votes and opinions.

Blue team.


Psychopathic tendencies

A small dagger that is particularly good at slicing skin, especially human.

You are good at threats. And you can kill easily; no regrets.

Red team


Happiness and joy

A small disc (two pound coin x2 size) that automatically attaches to your hand. Put yout hand on someone's shoulder with it on and their mood will change for the better

You cam change moods just by being near people. Your smile is magical.

Red team



Ipad thing which stores info that you type/write up. Is connected telepathically, and so knows anything and.everything you know.

You can help in a time of crisis easily.

Red team


Acting, and fakery.

Pen which let's you write with other people's hand writing. Used for fraud

You are good at getting people's attention and lying.

Red team

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