Sweet Demon

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Fingers stretch out
Reaching through the broken glass
Of the mirror smashed carelessly on the floor
Voices without faces
Whisper their secrets in deaf ears
Tears fall from unseen eyes
Fingertips turn to claws
As whispers transform into screams
Masks and fake smiles
Take place of things once worthwhile
Pictures of once loved faces
Burn in a fire built out of hatred
Standing still listening for a heartbeat
That's no longer there
Reaching for a hand with fading strength
Searching for a vision that's long gone
Calling for help with a choked breath
Backed into a corner
By strangers hidden behind masks
Of sweet demons all too real
Pleading for help but only getting cold-hearted stares
From dark eyes hiding the demons deep inside
Wanting freedom
Craving a way out
To taste the blood of living bodies
To torment an innocent soul
To drag another victim down to hell
To fiery depths, to burning pits
Where no one can hear cries for help
Where you are trapped
Where you feel nothing but pain
Your voice lost
Your breath stolen
Your soul ripped apart
Where you stay for eternity
With no chance of ever escaping
Sweet blood covers shattered glass
Spilled by love never meant to last

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