Innocent Sin

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I watched as you fell
I tried to catch you
But the shackles held me still
Tears tinted a faded red
Leaked down your cheeks
As you stared up at me desperately

I attempted comforting you
From where I was held
But my words fell flat
As my voice cracked
You shut your eyes one last time
And left me here alone

I watched over you
As your skin faded to paper-white
Cheeks stained a light red
From the last tears you shed
The nightmares your fears fed
Are fading away now that you are dead

I miss you still to this day
The image of your face
Won't fade
From my memory
I wish you were here with me
Holding my hand as the birds sang

Now you won't return
To the light of day
You are a ghost in the shadows
A cold hand on my arm
A name etched onto my heart
The one who set me free

To lock me up again
In a new prison
Bars made of heartbreak
For only you my heart aches
My fallen angel
My innocent sin

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