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Sasha's POV

I bit down my nails nervously as my car pulled in the driveway. It was drizzling outside and the mere thought of me walking in the freezing cold made me shiver. Zylar was in the driver's seat and I could tell she was avoiding me. Or avoiding the question I was about to ask her.Her hands were on the steering and she was staring at the dashboard completely avoiding my gaze.

We ran to our apartment after minutes of contemplating over whether or not we could wait for the drizzling to end or run and be done with it.

As Zylar turned to open the door,I could not help but admire her blonde hair caught in the early evening light and I hated myself for dying my once upon a time black hair.

"What?" She grinned when she caught me staring. I shook my head and gave her a sideways smile as we walked into our house.

Our apartment was warmer than usual and our dirty clothes and shoes scattered all over. Zylar's mostly.

"Admit it! I know you don't like my hair." I let out what I had been holding in my chest for the whole day. My exhausted body relaxed on the only couch in the house as I waited for her to speak. Her lips parted slightly before she spoke.

"You know I like it Sash." She lied. She always avoided my eyes and scratched her neck when she was lying and that was exactly what she was doing.

She took off her sneakers and released her hair from the ponytail before joining me on the couch.

"You are lying Zee." I stated rolling my eyes at her.

"Okay, I don't like green. I'm not a vegetarian." She chuckled trying to lighten up my mood. It only made it worse.

"I don't like it either." I shrugged and earned a you must be kidding me look from her.

Well,it was true that I didn't like green clothes or shoes. I didn't have any green in my closet and my green hair was totally a blow off.

"Why did you have it dyed then?"
She pointed at my hair taking a few curls between her fingers.

"Because Matt asked me to."

"Oh," she let out slowly.

This was a delicate topic for us to discuss and I was glad when she didn't enquire further.

"So, what about you and Jeff? Are you guys okay?"

There was something in the look that she gave me,a pain behind it. I watched her eyes as she narrated the story I already knew because Jeff had already told Matt and I previously. I immediately regretted asking that damn question when she started mopping.

"Do you think I was hard on him?" Her voice was low and shaky.

I hugged her close and she soaked my denim jacket with tears. I hated myself for making her cry.

"No, what you did was right."

I wasn't sure about that.
I switched on our television to avoid the many questions I knew she had in mind. I didn't want to jeopardize my friendship with her by telling her what to do with her boyfriend. My love story was totally different from hers and way good to be certain.

Sometimes I wished Matt was like Jeffrey, character-wise. Jeff was perfect for her. Matt always made decisions for me concerning what I should wear,the people I should hang out with and what place I should be in a particular time. I never complained. Jeffrey never made her do something she did not want and I loved that.

When I stopped the comparison between our boyfriends, Zylar was fast asleep, snoring softly on my lap. I had to move slowly to avoid waking her up. She really needed it.

I had a warm shower that relaxed my tense muscles and made up my mind to clean the entire house. I couldn't wait till the next day.

Zylar never cleaned the house and if she did, I was never around. I hadn't been around for the whole weekend and so you can imagine how dirty the house was,from the remains of the snacks she ate on Saturday to the banana peels rotting in the trash can.

I wasn't exactly a clean freak but I was one of the few people who loved to stay in a clean place. And decent. That was unlike Zylar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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