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Zylar's POV

I ignored the ringing phone for the umpteenth time and walked to the washrooms when I saw Jeff standing in the hallway.

He was chatting with a group of boys who I assumed to be teammates.
He was the captain of the college's basketball team.

My hair was in the usual ponytail  bouncing on my back as I walked and I had on my old black dungarees with a white top and sneakers. My dressing code never really mattered because I didn't care how I looked. Jeff didn't either, though I was not sure about that. He never complained. I think Iam the worst dressed college girl there ever was.

Speaking of Jeff, I had been avoiding him for the last forty eight hours after our little argument. Not little. I reminded myself.

I was really mad at him if not hurt though I knew I was overreacting.The phone rang again and I picked it against my heart's wish.

"What the fucking hell is wrong with you?" I screamed at him. " Will you stop calling me!"

Inwardly, I was seething. Maybe trying to control the emotions that ran high in me.

I opened the door and sat on the toilet bowl as my left foot shut the door with a little force almost hurting my big toe.

"Zylar," a woman's calm voice vocalized.

It was my mother.

"Mum?" I panted pinching my skin hard.

If there was something my mum really hated was swearing. I wished I had looked at the name on the screen before I picked it up. Too late.

"I think I made it clear that no child of mine should use that foul language." She groused and the anger was evident in her voice.

I heard someone laugh in the background and recognized the voice of my brother Toby. I pictured him sitting with mum in the kitchen listening to our conversation because I knew I was on speaker. They always did that to me.

"I'm sorry. I thought it was someone else I... Iam mad at." I said biting my lower lip. That woman always gave me the creeps.

"That doesn't give you a reason to swear like that." Her tone was harsh and angry." And you really have to forgive Jeff." She added.


"Did he tell you we had a fight?" I grilled anger swelling inside me. Jeff couldn't be this crazy telling mum about our fight. It only made me angrier.

"He is a good boy Zylar, don't give him a reason to leave you."
She ignored my question and ended the call.

What was that?
Why was she meddling in my issues?

I took my bag and hang it around my shoulder before getting out of the toilet. My legs were numb, maybe from sitting for long.

"Nice clothes Zylar." Someone said behind me. That voice was recognizable. Lana.

I slightly turned and glared menacingly at Lana and the two girls who were always with her. She was leaning on the bathroom door tapping her heel on the tiled floor.

"Thank you Lana." I said sarcastically. Her friends laughed as I walked away and I swallowed hard.

Jeff was nowhere to be seen and I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked to my history class. I was five minutes late and sat at the back.

A green haired girl waved at me and it took almost five minutes to recognize Sasha who was sitting a little further from me. She looked different in her green hair that she probably dyed during the weekend while at her boyfriend's. Green was a turn off for me and I could say she looked horrible in it. I preferred the red dye she had on.

When the class was over Sasha joined me and we walked to the restaurant we always took our lunch. It was a walking distance so we didn't need a car. On our way there I had to lie about how I loved her new hairstyle because she had asked and I didn't want to make her feel bad.

Matt and Jeff were already sitted probably waiting for us at our favorite table.

"Sash, I think I'll find somewhere else to sit." I said glancing at Jeff.
His black eyes merely stared back before burying his face on his palms.

She opened her mouth trying to say something but she shut it again and nodded. I looked for a table at the farthest corner and sat staring out of the window.

"Honey, I'm so sorry about last Saturday..." I turned and saw Jeff standing behind me. His eyes were puffy and red. Had he been crying?

"Don't honey me Jeffrey!" I snapped. My voice was a bit too high and I felt guilty about it.

"Look,can we talk about this tonight?" He begged.

I stood up and faced him as tears welled in my eyes. I was glad I  sat in a less occupied place, I didn't want any prying customers right now.

"Did you tell my mother about our fight?"
His face fell and I gasped. Did he really have to report everything to my mother?

"I didn't tell your mother exactly, I told Toby." He defended

 "And you do realize that Toby tells mum everything right, what were you trying to prove anyway?" I was screaming.

"But... But Toby is my friend."

"Correct. And he's my fucking brother Jeff! Do you have to report everything we do to that jackass?." I rasped.

I was about to shed tears when I felt a strong arm pulling me backwards by the elbow. I looked up and saw a snarling Kael.

"That was quite an argument,piggy." He smirked.
His raven black hair, which glistened in the sunlight illuminating from the window was combed back, leaving some of it falling over his face. He looked like he was just from the shower.

"What do you want Kael?" I managed to say.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Jeff glaring at us and it somehow made me happy.

"What were you arguing about with your shitty boyfriend, piggy?" He asked. That was an insult. Two infact.

"Can you please stick to kitten? I don't like piggy,not in the least." I said glancing at Jeff. He was sitting on my chair looking at us.

"You have to earn it back," Kael said running his hand in his messy hair. I followed the movement.
"You know a kitten is always tidy, if it had long blonde hair,it would definitely wash it everyday unlike you." His lips had already pulled up in that wicked and devilish smirk.

Did he smell my hair? Well, I had not washed it for two days but I could swear that it didn't smell at all.

"What do you want, Kael?" I repeated.

"I have rescheduled our meetings,we will no longer be meeting on Fridays. Saturday and Sunday are just fine."

My mouth formed an 'o' and was about to say WHAT THE HELL but was stopped in my tracks by Kael's glare.

"You know better than argue with me." He threatened and was gone before I could say anything.

God! Why was he such a jerk? I glanced back at my seat and Jeff was gone too.

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