Chapter 1

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It was just another day at school. Classes, lunch, guys staring at me. You know, the usual. The school which I went to was the most famous and reputed school for people like us. That is to say, supernatural people such as vampires, werewolves, etc.

The last period was history and was taught by Prof. Freshwaters, a warlock with webbed feet and skin the colour of ocean. His eyes and hair were both greenish, like algae. He always wore robes and his lectures could make anyone fall asleep. His name should have been Prof. Sleepwaters instead of Prof. Freshwaters.

The bell rang, relieving us of the boring class. I gathered all of my books and made my way out of the classroom and into the halls of the school. The halls had vintage walls with portraits of famous angels, werewolves, witches and warlocks, vampires and lastly, only one portrait of Lucifer.

I stopped in front of my locker and dumped the books in there. "Hey girl." I turned around and smiled. My best friend, Georgette with her gleaming chocolate brown eyes and white blonde hair, came running towards me.

"You look hot. God, I wish I got your figure." I looked at her. She was about 5'8 with a straight figure. I looked down at what I was wearing. I wore a green sweatshirt with torn jeans and the mandatory blazer with the logo of the school on it.

 I wore a green sweatshirt with torn jeans and the mandatory blazer with the logo of the school on it

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"Okay. Anyway, how's your relationship with Damon going on?"

She flapped her hand as if it was no biggie. "It was just a fling. Besides, you know, his wings sprout out mid-sex. It looked hot in the beginning but it just got boring and very floppy when he fu...."

"Yeah, it's ok. Too much information honey."

She rolled her eyes. "Ok, fine. I won't say anything. Anyway, did you hear about the new boy?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who?"

She tsked. "There is a new student who joined the school. His name is Archer and rumor has it, that he is Lucifer's son and has horns." I rolled my eyes.

"He's not a new student Georgie. He's been in here for a year."

"Oh. Well I didn't know that but I heard someone say that his horns appear when he gets mad."

"Seriously? You know what? I have other important things to do than talking about people."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, um, minding my own business." With that I savagely walked away, dramatically flipping my golden hair. I knew she wouldn't be upset about what I said because I said things like that to everyone. It's something I can't control. Mom says that angels aren't supposed to be like this unless absolute necessary. Well, technically, I was following that.

I walked down the hall, towards my father's office. Principal Lightbringer. A tall man of about 6'3 with dark hair, amber eyes and a regal personality. I had inherited my blonde hair from my mother.

I knocked on the door twice. "Come in." A crisp voice said from inside. I opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. The office was pretty big, finished with marble tiles, three leather chairs, tapestries of angels and demons at battle on the walls and a huge oak desk in the middle with a glass covering. He also had a private library here, whose entrance was through the life-size painting of the angel Raziel holding a staff in his hand which was hung on the wall behind my father's desk. His face was stoic and his body poised.

"How was school today Golden?" I smiled at him. I had the best relationship with my father. He was strict, but he was also my friend and mentor.

"It was good. Yeah. How was your day?"

He chuckled and stood up, leaning on his desk, "It was good. Yeah." I chuckled and pouted.

"You're copying me." We both started laughing at that. "Anyway, so you were telling me you wanted to tell me something."

His face dropped instantly. "Yes, um, the thing is, um...I won't be able to do the movie night with you. There is some important last minute work so I'm really sorry honey."

My heart dropped to my stomach. Everyone canceled on me. First, it was my ex-boyfriend, Elijah, who had canceled on me many a time, just so that he could screw Scarlett, our school whore with red hair and blue eyes, behind my back.

The movie night was something we always did together. It was like a tradition. We always planned for it in advance so that we could clear our schedules. We never missed even one night.

" was you who said neither of us should ever miss the movie night. You promised that you'd never miss it," I said incredulously.

"I know golden. But I really can't change my schedule for today. You know that I would if I could. I wouldn't miss a movie night with you, you know that", he said with soft eyes.

I didn't answer. Just looked at him.

He sighed and rounded his desk, walking towards me. He stood in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders and squeezed them.

I looked away without saying anything. He sighed again and let his hands fall.

"I really didn't know about the work until sometime back today. I had cleared my schedule like every time but then this came up. I'm really sorry sweetheart but I don't have a choice. We can do the movie night another time, yeah?" He said  his voice full of hope.

I looked at him. My golden eyes boring into his amber ones. And then shook my head.

"Forget it," I said and walked to the door but stopped just before walking out and turned back to him.

"Thank you father. For nothing." I stated, my face devoid of any emotion and I walked out, ignoring him calling out my name.

It always began like this. Every tradition that we had always ended like this. He always said that it would be a one time thing, but it never was.

It started with him not being free for one day, then a second, then a third, and then he stopped coming at all. The movie night was the only tradition of ours that still happened. The others had all stopped. I guess even the movie nights were going to stop.

I sighed and stuffed my hands in my pockets as I walked in the hallways.

Suddenly a crash sounded in the air. My head snapped up and I looked around to see where it had come from.

Without much effort I found the source, but what I saw was the last thing I had expected.

Hey guys! This is the first chapter of our new story. Hope you like it.

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