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nova hasn't been feeling well for a few days now. she started getting headaches and feeling a bit dizzy at times. but she doesn't really do anything about it since she feels that it's already normal for her to have headaches sometimes. so she sets the feeling aside.

she's sitting across isabelle and lucy, having some girl time and just hanging out together. they're watching thor: ragnarok, one of their favorite films. one of the things they do when they have girl time is just watching movies together. the three of them have a lot of love for film so they make sure to always watch a film or two.

"okay, who you got? thor or loki?" lucy playfully asks, not tearing her eyes away from the television screen.

"ugh. do i really have to choose?" isabelle whines.

"hmmm, that's a tough one. they both have different qualities that i like." nova answers.

"i know! i mean thor's like really powerful and loki's got tricks up his sleeves. they're both funny and lovable characters. i can't choose!" isabelle groans. she has so much love for the asgardian princes. take note never to ask her to choose between them ever again.

the movie is almost over, the asgardians are all aboard on the spaceship heading to Earth. the scene between loki and thor flashes on the screen. thor tells loki that if he's actually in the same room as him he might give him a hug then loki says "i'm here." this scene always warms the trios' hearts because the brothers have come a long way and the character development between the two clearly shows, especially with loki.

when she looks over at lucy and isabelle she sees that lucy has tears in her eyes and she chuckles at her reaction.

"you alright, luce?" nova asks, bringing a hand up to rub lucy's shoulder. lucy tightly hugs the pillow in front her with one hand while the other wipes away the small amount of tear that fell from her eye.

"they're just so... ugh! why did loki have to die? i mean, really? they were doing so well." lucy grumbles and both nova and isabelle laugh at her reaction but nod in agreement.

"he's alive now though. he's even got his own series!" nova says in an attempt to cheer her up.

"but that loki is pre thor: ragnarok loki and ragnarok loki is superior." isabelle points.

"but he's alive so that's still a good thing."

the conversation ends at that with both lucy and isabelle agreeing with nova's statement.

the clock strikes 12:00 so the girls decide that it's time for them to go to bed. they all head to nova's room to use her bathroom to do their nightly rituals before going to sleep. once everyone was done they all lie down on nova's bed. nova lies in the middle while lucy lies on her right and isabelle on her left. her bed is really big because she likes having space to move around so it's not a problem that the three of them are sleeping in the same bed.

"good night, loves."

"good night, my babies."

"nighty night, bitches." the girls laugh at lucy's bid of good night and a few moments later everyone was sleeping soundly, each already in their own world of dreams.

the next morning nova wakes up earlier than her friends so she gets up and cooks them breakfast. she prepares eggs, bacon, waffles, croissants, strawberries, oranges, yogurts, and coffee for them. she likes cooking a lot and often does it for her mom before she moved out and moved to london. she also does it for harry whenever he comes over and sleeps at her place or whenever she comes over to his. harry loves everything that she cooks and his plate is always empty after meals. she's a good cook and maybe even if she cooks frogs he'll eat that too.

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