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direct messages between novaking and elise_jackson

hello, nova!
i've been thinking about what to say to you for the past few weeks. i know i did you wrong and i know you probably don't want to talk or see me ever again but i just want to apologize for what happened. i was drunk and i didn't know any better. i was stupid to do what i did and i'm so sorry, nova. you're one of my best friends, i never wanted to hurt you. it was a mistake and i'll never forgive myself for coming between the two of you. i'll understand if you don't reply or if you want to cut me off your life completely. but just know that i'm sorry.

i hear you, elise. thank you for owning up to your mistake. i know you're sorry but i think it's best if we don't communicate for now.

i understand completely. just know that i'll be here and i'm ready to talk again whenever you are.

thank you.

you're welcome. i'm happy you both have worked things out and i wish you both nothing but the best.


let's bury the hatchet, shall we?

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