As soon as we arrived, it started to rain and it never stopped until the early hours of the next day.

I slowly positioned myself to get up from the bed.

I groaned when I felt the comfort of the plushness leaving my body.

I got up and lazily stretched my arms above my head and let out a loud yawn.

Only if aunt Jules could see me now. I could almost hear her reprimanding me for looking like a human fly trap when I yawn.

"A lady should yawn like she's telling a secret." She'd say. Whatever the fuck that means.

My eyes gradually opened inch by inch. My teeth were rattling.

I wrapped my arms around my curvy body to try to stay warm.

Today was too cold for a summer day in Los Angeles.

I Rubbed my arms in an up and down motion for some well-needed friction. My eyes slowly started adjusting to the room.

Suddenly! A tsunami of panic washed over me.

My head moved from left to right. My eyeballs bulged out of my skull like I was a character from the Looney Toons cartoon.

"WHERE THE FUCK AM I?" I glanced around the enormous room that I was in, if I wasn't in survival mode I would have stopped and gawked at the beauty of its Victorian decor.

I could tell that the person who lives here is filthy rich, and that's saying something coming from a girl who grew up with a family that owns a yacht and a private jet.

I heard footsteps scampering from outside a door I assume led to a hallway.

Not wasting another second, I sought out a hiding place.

Maybe I could find a weapon of some sort that I could use to protect myself. It was obvious to me that I was kidnapped, maybe by some sadistic, saggy balls, wealthy old dude.

But why would a wealthy old dude want to kidnap me, when there were so many social media thots looking to get with a sugar daddy?

The footsteps were now directly at the front door. I had officially run out of time to find a decent weapon, so I rushed to a slightly open door.

I peeked inside and saw that it was a closet. Holy shit! This closet was four times bigger than the one at home.

I slid inside and closed the door behind me. Beads of sweat glistened on my forehead as I tried to calm my heart, which was beating at a hundred miles per hour.

I kept my ears open. I heard the click of the bedroom door.

The sounds of two sets of footsteps made their way inside.

Trying to keep my heart rate even wasn't easy.

My nervousness made my palms sweaty and my legs wobbly. I had to rest both my hands on the wall for support.

I could hear talking, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. I placed my ear against the door to give myself a better chance of listening in on their conversation.

I discovered two different male voices and a few phrases that made no sense at all to me. It's like they were speaking in some sort of code, using terms like; she-wolf, alpha, rogues, and mate.

What the hell were they talking about? My curiosity got the best of me, so I decided I needed to get closer in order to hear exactly what they were saying.

Maybe I could find out the reasons behind my kidnapping - but wait a damn minute, shouldn't they be alerting someone that I was no longer in the room? Shouldn't they be tearing this place apart trying to find me?

The Alpha's Destiny (The Prophecy) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now