At the watchtower

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Running out of inspiration. Sorry short chapter.



"Tell me everything quickly."Everyone turned to see Batman in all his(her) brooding and scary glory.

"We have gotten news from Paris."Green Lantern said.

"Well what is it?"Batman said in his normal gruff voice.

"I was checking on Paris through our satellites, when suddenly the Eiffel Tower collapsed. I tried to get the information through the news but there was none like a very important monument hasn't just collapsed.-" Batman nodded at him to continue."-I gathered all the league members and when we tried to see the Eiffel tower it suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of our eyes."

"We tried to locate the source of destruction but found nothing. There was nothing on social media or international news that even talked that Eiffel tower was destroyed. There was no earthquake, no terrorist attack, no bomb, just nothing."

Martian showed him(her) the pictures taken by sattelites. There was no tower in the first one but in the second one taken about 15 minutes later the Eiffel tower was standing high."

"I will look into it." Batman said and all the leagures knew they are not getting anything else from him(her).

Just when Batman turned to leave he was pulled back by flash's voice,"OOOOH, so our bats has a crush~"

Batman turned to glare at him.

"Batman has a crush, who is it?"said GL.

"Its Brucina Wayne."Replied Superman still staring at batman in jealousy.

"What is so good in her for Batman to crush on her." Wonder Woman said raising an eyebrow.

"Well she kissed his cheek and he didn't even shoved her away."Superman said.

"That means he has a crush on a billionaire. Well makes sense since he must be billionaire too for having so many cool gadgets."

And they started an argument.

"You are just jealous that she kissed my cheek and not yours." Everyone turned to Batman in a blink of an eye. What they saw next made everything go silent. Their eyes went wide and their jaws fell on the floor. Batman was smirking, a teasing smirk. It was very small and disappeared after a few seconds. His face hardened and he frowned,"What do u mean by shove her away? She was in my arms she could've fell if I shoved her away. After all the injuries and torture she is given by the supervillians everyday you want me to shove her away?"

Then Alfred's voice rang in his ears,"Master batman your 1 hour is over."

"Yes I'm coming agent A."

Just as Batman disappeared everyone turned to superman,"You have ..... Bruciiina?"

"What about Louis?"

"and Jon?"

"Louis is already married and she is my best friend."

Then superman turned to Wonder Woman," When I told you that she kissed his cheek you suddenly got angry."

Wonder Woman turned away mumbling ,"Why does he likes her?I m much better than her."

Aquaman said,"Are we going to ignore the fact that batman smiled?"

"It was terrifying smirk, I would never want to see it again. I like his brooding face better."Flash said and ran off in some direction.

At the manor:

It was 11 pm when they went to sleep. Everything was peaceful today. The main villains were in arkham. Small crimes didn't take much time either.The flight of their guest was arriving at 5a.m. so they went to sleep. 


Goodbye guys

love u.

lots and lots of love,


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