Chapter One

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      It was on Thursday, I still remember clearly where the weather seems like its getting bitter with the human species. The rain tumbles down as if there is no tomorrow. The cold weather strikes my bone as I keep my face as straight as possible. I try to remain as calm as I can be, but seriously with this kind of weather who is able to do that. I was only wearing my black denim jacket match with my black skinny jeans that day. I am sure a dumb guy, for wearing such an outfit in such a cold city, and I was doing all of this for something that I'm not even sure what the future holds.

I remember how I sway my umbrella from left to right waiting for one of the Big Hit agents to arrive and guide me through all of this.

I was standing in front of the small building trying to stand my ground and not be too obvious on how bored i was. I've been waiting for the agent for almost an hour by then. They told me to wait in front of their company building by 1:00 P.M, so there i was, 2:00 P.M stuck in the heavy rain waiting for someone that i did not even have the option to communicate with.

I looked towards the small building behind me and start to sigh,

I cant blame them, i mean, look how small their company are.

Actually, It was all started last week when I was recruited in front of the bus station. I was buying my mom's favorite vegetable that day and as i step outside from the bus that is near my home complex, I saw a middle-aged guy come walking towards me, at first I was really sketched out by the way he directly walks towards me without hesitation. I thought he's going to rob me or something, but as soon as he introduced himself to me and told me what he does, i got a little bit less defensive. It appears that he is searching for people who are suited to becoming a group idol member.

And apparently, he saw me walking by and decided to come over and ask if I'd like to join his company to become one of the members. To be honest, at first, I thought it's a scam just like last time. So what happened last year is, a middle-aged man also came up to me and ask me if i was interested in being a member in SM company. But i rejected him immediately because i am sure it's a scam. How could an SM company recruit someone from the street just like that? I did not buy his words and just walk past him.

But this middle-aged man is quite different than the last one, he is more professional in the way he talks and he seems much nicer. And he is from a small company, so if its a scam it wouldn't affect me that much. So as soon as he pulled out his business card and thoroughly told me about the whole thing, i started to believe him more. He does not come from a big company such as SM and YG, but from a very small company called Big Hit. He gave me his business card and told me to call him if i made my decision. I stand there in front of the bus station with my pajama as i hold my mom vegetables dumbfounded.

I came home that day and told my mom about everything that just happened, she seems quite unsure but happy regardless of it if that's what i wanted to do. She also reminds me of how dangerous the entertainment industry is. And its a risk i needed to take if i decide to enter Big hit and become one of their band members. I noted her warning and continue to tell my brother about it. Surprisingly, he just stares at me with a blank face and said 'That's cool bro, i mean, it's your life, you do you'

I stare back at the business card and hid it as soon as my dad enters the room. He's the only one who cants know about all of this. I'll be as good as a lump of dead meat if he knows regarding all this idol thing. It's all because he wanted me to become his successor.

Our family is well known for its business legacy.

Growing up, my dad never felt poverty in any kind of way, it all thanks to our grandpa that brings the family business up into success. My dad is a strict man, he schooled me in America ever since i was a kid so i can be a worthy successor of him. He was taught by our grandpa how to raise a son that is worthy for the company, so i can't blame him for all the toxic masculinity he radiates to me and my brother, it's all because he, himself is treated like that by his own dad.

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