Chapter 8

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Lucy's POV

Cass, when in pain and when the depressing thoughts come into my head, Cass and his brothers comfort me, I like them, they feel like they're the brothers I never had but need, it could be a prank. A trick, to see how soon mute girl lowers her guard, then to betray her. I push those thoughts out of my head and look around me, just in time to see and feel a fist make contact with my face. I fall to the floor, I'm at home and am getting my usual beatings.

"You bleeping brat!" Max yells at me, I curl myself into a ball, arms over my head.

The door slammed open.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!??!?!?" A voice booms out from the door area.

Max and Clara stopped beating me at turned to the voice, I looked from my place on the floor after seeing their colour drain from their faces. It was the child safety organisation, police, the head members of foster care, and Cass with his brothers.

Cass, Leo and Antony hurried to me and, without moving me, were doing their best to comfort me and sooth me and themselves for what they just witnessed.

"I-I-I-I- The brat, was just-" Max was cut off

"Mr Myhama, this home is in violation of various child safety codes." One of the child safety people said.

"And abusing a child, underage is a lifetime of prison, with the addition of illegal drug dealership and the obvious child, no human neglection we're looking at a rare, death sentence, I also imagine we'll find more evidence that will give you the ultra-rare, torture to death sentence." One of the police officers stated

I gave Cass a questioning look, he returned it. So, I wrote in the small puddle of my blood.

What's going on? Why are you here? Why are they here?

The three boys read it and in turns answered my questions.

"We're here because we want to adopt you as our little sister." Cass replied

"Lucy, you're going to be safe now, ok? We'll protect you no matter what you choose." Leo said comforting me and stroking my hair.

"Cass told the child foster workplace of his suspicions of your being abused at home, so they contacted the child safety organisation and police in case there was something going on." Antony also replied

"Your foster carers are going to jail now." A police told me as some of his men grabbed Max and Clara, others wearing gloves bagged the drugs and bloodied knives, some wearing different clothes went further into the house with cameras, bags and other stuff.

"Miss Lucy," One of the foster care people I've seen before, came to me "These three boys would like to adopt you as their younger sister, if you would follow me to my car the forms and documents can be signed and you would be adopted." A her words I felt my heart skip a beat. I. Was. Going. To. Be. Adopted.

Eagerly I smiled and nodded my head extra fast to show how much I wanted this.

"Ok seems like Lucy's on board. Let's go." Leo said eagerly.

"Wait, what about your injuries Lucy? Don't they hurt?" Antony asked, frowning in concern down at me.

Cass gave me a notebook and pen.

They're nothing serious, in the past it would be all broken bones and stuff like that, but Clara had a friend in the hospital and so I was fixed in no time, purely so no one would ask questions, but I'm fine. Thanks for your concern.

The boys looked a bit convinced. 

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