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I can taste your skin in my teeth


Changbin turned off his phone after he finished texting Jeongin with a sigh.
Jeongin had been put as his new partner for the class project, due to his other partner, well...

Changbin looked out his bedroom window at the setting sun, and decided to go get something to eat.

Walking down the stairs, Changbin spots a sticky note sticking to the fridge.

"Sorry for the short notice, but your father and I have been called in for the nightshift, stay safe, and remember to get some groceries from the store.
Changbin read out with a sigh.

Changbin waddled over to the fridge and cabinets, checking through contents and making a list of what to get.

Changbin hummed softly as he grabbed his jacket, slipping on his shoes and walking out the front door.

Changbin stared up at the almost visible stars as he hummed along to a song playing through his headphones.

Changbin felt awkward as he sensed something off in the air.

Honestly, kinda stupid to go walk around at night with a murderer on the streets.

The sidewalks were empty, only a singular car driving past once in a while.

Changbin reached the grocery store pretty quickly, taking his headphones off and wandering around the isles.

After getting what he needed, Changbin walks over to the cash register, giving a smile to the worker.

"What are you doing around at this time of night? Doesn't seem to safe to go wandering 'bout"
The cashier chuckled, scanning all the items.

"I won't be out long, I don't live too far away."
Changbin paid, slipping the bag over his arm.

Changbin waved at the cashier with a wide smile.

"Have a nice night!"

"You too!"

Changbin walked down the sidewalk, the air was getting colder, causing a shiver to go down his spine and goosbumps to appear on his skin.

Changbin turned around a corner and suddenly felt as if something was behind him.

Changbin took a glance behind, seeing a slight movement in the shadow.

Must be a rat

Changbin turned back around and continued his walk back to his house.

Light taps were heard behind him, Changbin turned around quickly, not a person in sight.

Changbin fished his phone out of his pocket, going into his messages and bringing up his most recent contact.

Hey, can you call me? I think someone's following me.

Oh yeah, once sec...

Jeonginnie is calling...

Accept     Decline 


"Innie I'm scared..."
Changbin whispered.

"Just stay calm. Do you see anyone behind you?"
Jeongin asked, rustling could be heard in the background as whispers were heard.

Changbin took another glance behind him.

But this time he spotted a figure dressed in black.

"He's there."

"Speed up. Where are you?"
Changbin speeds up into a quicker pace, glancing around to find a street sign.

"I-I don't know.. Please... He's getting closer."
Changbin's speed walk turns into a jog as the footsteps are heard closer behind him.

Changbin panted as he sprinted down the road.

Changbin hears Jeongin trying to talk to him, but he tunes it out as the figure gets closer and closer.

Changbin gasps as a body collides with his own, knocking him down onto the cement.

Changbin fights with the male, his phone skidding across the floor, most likely broken.

Changbin hears Jeongin calling for him through the phone as he grunts, trying to kick the man in black off of him.

The man finally pins him down by the wrists, covering the smaller's mouth with a small white cloth smelling of chemicals.

Changbin held his breath as he struggles to get the other male off of him.

Tears escape his eyes as he inhales the chemical, feeling drowsy. His eyelids felt heavy as they fall closed.

Changbin's struggles came to a stop. His breath evening out. Falling into a deep sleep.


Felix walks over to Changbin's cracked phone, picking it up and listening to the panicky voice on the other end.

"Changbin? Changbin are you there? Hello?"
Felix chuckles before hitting the end call button.

Felix sets the phone on the floor again, stomping on it harshly and kicking it down a nearby alleyway.

Felix wanders over to the unconscious male sprawled out on the floor.

Felix caressed Changbin's cheek lightly before picking him up bridal style.

"Finally... All mine."

Dear Future HusbandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora