Shift: Part 26 (Shinsou)

Start from the beginning

I looked around at my brothers bodies, and started thinking that they too were going to come back from the dead.

"Oh no, they are no where near as strong as you are." Father told me after seeing me look at my brothers. "They are in fact dead, I haven't been able to replicate your quirk completely. Just the healing factor." I let out a breath, and felt relieved that it was all over.

"Get him out of here." Hawks told the police that he had brought with him and they took him away. I stayed on the floor, and was looking down at my hands.

"Are you alright?" Shinsou asked me as he sat with me. I nodded, but didn't look at him. "What's wrong?"

"I'm a monster." I said. "And nothing you can say this time is going to convince me I'm not." He sighed, and lifted my face to look at him.

"Then be my monster?" He asked me, and with the look in his eye I couldn't help but laugh a little. I nodded and he kissed me. He pulled away quickly and put his hand to his mouth and pulled a small feather out of his mouth.

We all laughed and I took the feather from him and looked at it. I threw it to the floor and Momo came over to help Shinsou help me off the floor. 

"Oh, I want to show you guys something." I said and slowly lead them to my room. I was beyond stiff from fighting, and it hurt to move. But this was going to be worth it all. "What do you guys think?" I asked them once everyone was in my room. They all smiled as they looked at my wall.

"You did this?" Aizawa asked, not taking his eyes off the wall

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"You did this?" Aizawa asked, not taking his eyes off the wall.

"Mhm." I hummed and Momo walked towards the wall and touched her silhouette.

"It's beautiful." She said. 

"This is awesome!" Denki said and him and Mina took pictures of it.

"My hair's not that spiky is it?" Kiri asked Bakugo, and Bakugo wrapped his arm around Kiri's shoulders.

"Why do you think I call you shitty hair all they time?" Bakugo asked and pulled Kiri out of the room, where they started arguing like a married couple.

"This is amazing." Shinsou told me, as I laughed.

"I wanted to make one good thing, in case something happened." I said.

"You did this in the matter of like three hours?" Mina asked and looked at me like I was insane.

"I was determined." I said. We all laughed and Shinsou pulled me close to him.

"Come on, lets get back you back to Koda." He told me. 

"I want a nap." I said and let him lead me out of my old room.

"Well you need a massive shower first." He told me and I looked at myself. 

"Yep." I said and once I was passed the gate, I stopped. Everyone turned to me and waited. I turned around and looked at the giant room in front of me. Blood everywhere from my brothers, and me. 

I took a deep breath and lowered myself to my knees and bowed my head to the ground. I couldn't help but cry. I had hurt, no killed, children that were no different than me. 

They could have been like me, they could have gotten out into the real world. Gone to school, and maybe they could have been real kids again. But their childhoods had been ruined by a man with evil intentions and he hurt all of us and all of my past brothers and sisters. 

Tears fell down my face as I lifted my head, and I don't know if it was my headache that was making me see things. But I saw dozens of ghosts in front of me. All of my past siblings were standing in front of me, but the part that broke me.

None of them looked angry. None of them were angry with me, even the siblings I had hurt myself. They were all peaceful.

They all ran towards me at once and it felt like they were entering my body, instead of running passed me. After they were gone. I opened my eyes, and felt more tears roll down my face. My siblings could now move on, with no anger or hatred holding them back now. They wanted me to live for them.

Everything was taken care of now. No more pain. No more tests. And no more monsters. 

I took a deep breath and felt relieved.

"Y/n?" Shinsou asked me and he stood next to me. I took his hand and he helped me off the floor. I smiled at him and leaned against him and together we all walked down the hallway.

"Let's go home."

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