As soon as the phone stopped ringing in his ears, he word-vomits into the phone. "VINCENT! Zak was shot and they took Nick the kids took Nick I don't know what to do Zak can't walk or anything-" The front door opens, cutting him off.

Clay enters first, holding his gun out in front of him. Vincent and Jake were right behind him. Vincent's worried eyes meet Darryl's. "Where is he?"

"He's in his room!" Darryl shouts, pointing down the hallway. Vincent and Jake both take off as Clay stays back to talk to Darryl.

"So they took Nick?" Clay asks.

Darryl nods. "I don't know where they took him. They have our earpieces and I think they have my phone. Did you find Dylan?"

Clay nods. "We have him. They beat him and broke his finger. We need to find Nick before they do something worse to him."

"HE'S UNCONSCIOUS!" Vincent yells from the bedroom. Vincent and Jake come out of the bedroom, carefully carrying Zak in their arms. They go out the front door, followed by Darryl and Clay. They all load into the van, leaving a space for Zak to lay down in the back.

"Is he dead?!" Darryl asks as Geo begins driving towards the nearest hospital.

"I think he passed out from blood loss," Jake observes. "When he found him, he was out already and the rag was on the floor beside him. He's lost a decent amount of blood. Do you know what kind of bullet was fired from that gun?"

Darryl shakes his head. "I have no idea."

Jake sighs. "Let's hope that the bullet is still in one piece. We'll be screwed if the bullet fractured inside of him."

"I'm awful," Darryl mumbles. "I did this."

Once at the hospital, Darryl and Vincent both rush out of the van, carrying Zak into the emergency room. George was close behind them, carrying some medical records that Vincent told him to hold on to. He also had on a backpack that Clay handed to him which felt unnaturally heavy. He wasn't about to waste time asking what was in it, though. They were running out of time. The team bursts through the doors and don't have to wait long before they are helped. Zak is tossed onto a stretcher, but his teammates are asked to stay out in the waiting room because they weren't family. Vincent takes the papers from George and slides them onto the reception desk, then begins talking to the woman behind the desk about Zak's medical history.

Darryl sat right next to George, lowering his head into his hands. "Hey," George reassures softly. "Everything will be alright."

Darryl shakes his head. "I shot him, George."

"Not on purpose, though," George points out. Darryl doesn't respond. He just keeps his face covered, his elbows propped up onto his knees. George moves around in the squeaky faux leather chair, attempting to get into a more comfortable position. His awkward shifting only gains the attention of the people around him. Realizing that there was no getting comfy, he settles back into his original upright position.

After finishing up with the receptionist, Vincent sits on the other side of Darryl. He puts a hand on Darryl's shoulder and rubs circles into it with his thumb. "They will do everything they can to help him."

"What if their everything isn't good enough?" Darryl asks.

"It will be," George states, sounding more like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. "It has to be."

The doors creak as they open up, grabbing George's attention. Clay walks in, followed by Dylan. Outside, George can see their van drive away. Clay scans the waiting room then spots George. He looks at Dylan and nods his head towards George. Dylan crosses his arms and looks around, seeming to be quite uncomfortable. The two make their way to sit with the others. Clay sits beside George and grabs the backpack he carried in off of the floor. He unzips the bag and pulls a bulky laptop out. It boots up in just a few seconds, allowing him to log on.

Bang and Burn ~ Dreamnotfound + SkephaloOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant