XXX. Embracing the inner-Swedish.

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"Oh my god, I am so sorry, I'm such an idiot. How stupid can I be?" Steven gushed out, placing a hand on Carter's shoulder. She quirked an eyebrow at him but he paid it no mind. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," She smiled in amusement at his obvious remorse. How do they expect this guy to kill living people when he feels so much guilt for just hitting someone in the head by accident? Though Carter found herself questioning Steven's fascination with death more. The kid felt a lot of remorse for someone who wanted go out and hunt animals. "I just hope your aim is better than how you pick a gun up."

"It is." The teen nodded his head, suddenly full of pride. "I can now almost hit the middle of the target." Carter raised her eyebrows, impressed with his ability. Over the few days that had passed since their day trip, Bellamy had offered to teach Carter how to shoot a gun properly and even though she was still no red-hot assassin, she was improving and on the previous day she had managed to shoot the center of the target, which she instantly began to brag about making Bellamy roll his eyes at her egotistical behaviour. He was beginning to grow accustomed to her sudden big-headed moments.

Just before Carter could resume her conversation with the shaggy-haired boy, she noticed a familiar figure tiredly leaving her tent and Carter instantly shot up, throwing a 'talk to you later' over her shoulder towards Steven and jogged her way up to Kara. Just before she had reached her destination, the brunette spotted Carter and the neutral expression on her face dropped into a somewhat more sour one. Carter winced slightly at her hostility,  but continued to approach the girl, nonetheless.

"If your here to yell at me again, can you wait until I'm fully awake?" Kara mumbled bitterly, not meeting Carter's gaze.

"Actually," The blonde began with an apologetic smile. "I'm here to say sorry."

"... What?"

"Okay, I don't say this much so you better not get used to it, but I was wrong." Carter had to literally force her words out of her. She hardly ever apologized and it was even rarer to hear her say she was wrong. Kara's face remained emotionless and Carter sighed. "I am sorry for over-reacting the other night. Truth is, I understand why you did what you did, I mean I'm not a massive fan of how you did it but it's done. I don't want any grudges to be held between us because I was a bitch, and come on, what better day to apologize than Unity Day." Carter laughed lightly but then suddenly concluded it was inappropriate and covered it up with a cough. "So, yeah, I'm sorry."

Kara scrutinized Carter's expression for any telltale signs that Carter was lying but when she found none, she sighed. "Okay, fine, I forgive you. Just next time you decide to chew me out, make sure you've got all the facts."

"Noted." Carter nodded with a small smile. They began to walk back to the campfire where Steven still sat and Carter noted how much lighter the camp had gotten. Dawn was upon them which meant the camp would be waking up soon. "So, Unity Day, huh?" She breathed, breaking the silence between herself and Kara.

"Unity Day is great," Kara smiled, sitting herself down on the log beside Steven. "I love it."

"The masquerade dance was the best." Steven piped up, smiling stupidly. "It was so mysterious."

"That's pretty much the whole point of the the 'masquerade' part of it," Carter pointed out with a smirk. She looked up at the sky, which was painted a cool light peach color from the morning sun. "I'ts going to be our first Unity Day without our families."

" It's gonna be our first Unity Day on the ground," Steven added, following her gaze up to where they expected the Ark would be. A thoughtful look on his face.

"Well then, we should make the most of it,"  Kara's voice took an upbeat tone. "It's our first and last Unity Day where we can do what we want, because when they come down, things are gonna change for us. So, let's make this the best delinquent Unity Day earth has to offer!"

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora