Kotlc + The Lightning Thief

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Recommended by: LilyOfTheShips

Peggy: Hi guys!

Dex: Isn't Sophie usually here?

Peggy: Sophie is boring.

Dex/Keefe: She is not!

Peggy: *shrugs* She has nothing to do with this song.

Biana: And we do?

Dex: We don't usually have anything to do with anything.

Keefe: Actually-

Peggy: That's exactly why you're all here today!

Biana: That doesn't make sense.

Peggy: Yes it does, shut up. Now-

Edmond: *slams the door open and sits in one of the seats, pulling his hood further over his face*

Peggy: Oh, hi Edmond. What's up?

Edmond: *mutters* Evan's annoying.

Peggy: That's a very normal thing.

Edmond: *mutters something else inaudibly*

Biana: Who's Evan?

Peggy: Edmond's boyfriend

Edmond: *mutters* An annoying idiot who's in need of character development

Keefe: Wait, hold up. Your grouchy short emo brother has a boyfriend?!

Edmond: *pulls a Janus on Keefe* No. Shut up.

Peggy: Are you just going to sit here then?

Edmond: *nods*

Peggy: *sighs* Fine. Just don't interrupt.

Edmond: My theatre.

Peggy: My project. Shut up.

***Take 1***

*single spotlight shines on Dex*

Dex: I've always been a smart kid. 

Always made the grade, always got the gold star. 

I've always been  a smart kid. 

But "smart kid" only get's a kid so far.

You win at making everything.

You want a quest, they tell you tough.

If you don't go you'll never know

If you'll ever be good enough!

My grand plan

Is that I will be remembered.

My grand plan

Just you wait and see! *smiles*

You better wise up, cuz I'll rise up!

*clenches his hand into a fist* Bring on any challenge

*crosses arms and looks to the floor* And someday soon someone will notice me.

Biana: *shoves Dex to the side and takes his spotlight*

I've always been a tough girl!

Always been the one not to run from a fight

*punches a fist into her hand* Always been a tough girl.

Cause most girls never win if they're polite.

So me, I tend to stand my ground

I found I never can give in.

It may not be my quest

But maybe it's mine to win!

*puts a hand to her chest* My grand plan

Is that I will be remembered!

My grand plan

Just you wait and see! *smirks*

You better wise up

Cuz I'll rise up!

*punches a fist above her head* Bring on any challenge!

And someday soon the world will notice me!

*her spotlight goes out, a new one shining on Keefe*

Keefe: And you mother treats you like some freak.

And your dad won't give you the time of day

And your mom will make you do her quest

So the best thing you can do is run away!

Run away...

Biana: *appears under a spotlight next to Keefe's* But I have a plan.

Dex: *appears on Keefe's other side with a third spotlight* And I will be remembered

Keefe: I will be great.

All three: Just wait and see

Dex: You better wise up!

Biana: Cuz I'll rise up~!

Keefe: Bring on any challenge!

Biana: *punches a fist into her hand* And someday soon I swear

Keefe: I don't know how or when!

Dex: *steps forward* But I promise you I'll never be invisible again~!

All three: Someone will notice!

*they all look at each other*

All three: Me...

*Biana and Keefe's spotlights fade out and Dex looks up at his expectantly, but it stays bright*

Dex: I've always been a smart kid.


Peggy: *clapping as all the lights come back up* That was great!

Edmond: That was boring

Keefe: That was... surprisingly accurate.

Biana: It felt... important.

Dex: I liked it. It was nice.

Peggy: Yay! Now all of you go home. I need to scold my brother.

Edmond: What did I do?

Peggy: *shrugs* Dunno. 

Edmond: *sighs*

I may not like the Percy Jackson books. But the musical is actually not bad.

I have one more song I wanna do from The Lightning Thief. 

Peggy out.

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