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"Lady Seohyun." Court lady Sunny called the woman whose busy with her painting on the backyard.

"Is there a problem Sunny?" The beautiful lady looked at her dear friend.

"Your fiancee arrived together with her family." Sunny cheerfully announced made Lady Seohyun surprised.

"Today? Is it too early for the date of their visit?" Lady Seohyun stood up to greet the Im household but she spotted a very unfamiliar figure behind Sunny.

"Is it a wonderful day for us to meet Lady Seohyun?" Captain Yoona from the royal palace and her fiancee from the Im household greets her with a wide and charming smile.

"You can leave us now Sunny." Lady Seohyun ordered but Sunny squealed in excitement before she left them but never forget to wink and tease her friend.

"By the way, I'm Yoona from the Im household of Hyuntan and also the charming Captain of the royal palace." The handsome yet beautiful woman on her jade green hanbok with a unique symbol of Im household embroidered at the back casually bowed at her with full of respect as she hold her elegant fan.

"I'm Lady Seohyun of the Seo and Kim household." The elegant woman bowed at the charming woman infront of her.

"You're a Kim? It means you're related with Prince Jongin? Wow awesome!" Yoona was amazed since Prince Jongin known as the best warrior in command every battle he won together with hid army and Yoona was a huge fan of him meanwhile Princess Sungji was as famous as her husband because she's known as the best elegant dancer from royal family of their kingdom.

"He's my uncle." Seohyun answered.

"Are you good with animals?" Yoona asked the beautiful lady.

"I have birds as a pet. Why did you ask?" Seohyun curiously asked before she's pulled by Yoona.

"Great! We will go somewhere!" Finally, the two went outside the Seo household.


"I WILL DEFINITELY KILL YOU YOONA!!" Lady Seohyun was now riding a white horse belongs to the Im household followed by Yoona whose also riding her own brown horse, Chango.

"Do you enjoy riding a horse? It's fun right?" Yoona enjoy teasing her fiancee who rarely went outside her household, she never sees her in the market where beautiful items from other country sell.

"Sometimes going outside will help you explore the world." Yoona stated.

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