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"You need to marry off by now, my Queen." One of the consul worriedly said into their Queen who didn't listen well at their advises to marry her off and have a next heir.

"Not interested." She said shortly before she signs on the stack of papers on her desk.

"You're turning 30 in just a few days and you need to be wed." The consul persuade the Queen but still useless because he was ignored by Tiffany.

"I will if I want but right now I'm just enjoying my time alone and you don't have the rights to force me if I don't want it. Just out!" The Queen barks as she glares at the old man who just sighed, bowed and left the royal chamber.

The Queen sighed, she got headache from this petition for her to marry the grand emperor of China just to strengthen her power to rule the nation for the sake of her people but she just needed time to digest the idea of marriage and have family, she was bothered by the fact she couldn't imagine herself being laid to the one who doesn't even love and the secret fact she hates guy. Yes, she's a lesbian, she knew it and kept it from her father through a long time and only the late Queen knows about her sexuality, she only likes girls and got interest on them until the day she met her eyes and couldn't take off from her mind till now. I only want her, I need to see her. She chant on her mind.

"This needed to be done." She stares at the proposal for the Seoul city before she sign the paper and sighed, massaging her head and leaned back on her chair.

"I need to get loose once in a while." She dial her personal phone that connected on her secretary.

"Get my car ready." She said before she cut off the line by pressing end call and doesn't need a reply from the receiver whom he obviously heard from the other line.

"Need a drink for a night." She stood up and left her desk as she search for a casual clothes to wear.


"This is it?" I glance at the few penny given by the merchant from the stoled item I sell for him. This couldn't buy food to cover my whole week of hunger.

"It's such an old piece of crapb Be glad I bought it from you, I just only pity you kid." The merchant yelled in a drunk manner and faces his back into me, ignoring my little protest.

"Fine then I will never get back to you again old hag!" I stomped my feet and left him as I put the penny in my pocket jeans. I need to find something else or else I will suffer from hunger for months, I'm running out of food supply in my old house. Do I need to find a descent job? I thought to myself but I'm such a beggar, I'm iliterate and a thief, strolling and wandering around our small village. I need to be in the city to find a future there.

As I walked down the road, a expensive and luxury sports car passed by me and stop not too far from me and a very gorgeous woman stepped out from the driver's seat and irritately kicking the wheels of her car, she shouted but I couldn't clearly heard but I'm sure she's cursing at the poor innocent flat wheel.

"Fuck!! Why now??" I saw her troubled face, the woman is wearing a simple black hoodie and I think she's much older than me by the look on her face, I'm not afraid to approach and offer a hand, by the looks she had enough money on her hand and I will used my charm on her.

As I slowly approached her and stood not too far from her, I started to clear my throat to caught her attention. Gotcha! She looked at me with her furrowed brows and glares at me but I'm not affected, I started to open my mouth.

Queen's Maiden (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now