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Just as the sun was setting, a young couple was happily walking in the streets of Seattle but their destination wasn't random.

You would think that they were just enjoying the evening together so they could go into a restaurant where most young couple would go on a date, but instead, they went inside Seattle Tech, the City's biggest technological company.

The establishment was already closed but they were greeted by the head of Seattle Tech who had initially called them and was the reason why they were there in the first place.

Half an hour later, they both came out of the building and the young man was still left with more questions rather than answers.

They had asked help to fix a watch that the young woman owned. They knew the watch held advance technology that wasn't readily available. After testing it today, they were able to turn it on but it wasn't giving out anything useful. The device only showed the initials GKC on the screen and nothing else.

The young woman on the other hand had a hopeful look in her face as she held on to her old watch inside her pocket. Even though the only thing it did was turn on, it was already a step forward from what they were wanting to achieve. She was hopeful that one day, she will be able to find a way to make it work so she can find her way back home and get the answers she needed to know who she really is.

While the couple exited the building and made their way to their car, someone was observing the young woman from afar, away from the range of the young man who had the ability to read the minds of anyone around him.

The stranger was observing her with surprise and hatred in his eyes. His tall and large frame stood alone on top of a second floor building. He was alone with nothing on him except the clothes that he was wearing. Although his shirt did nothing to protect him from the cold night, it did not seem to bother him at all as he was focused at the image of the young couple two streets away.

Even when the street was still busy with people buzzing around, he was able to distinguish the young woman from afar. He was surprised to see her still alive. He had since hated the organization that she was working with because they have always been a hindrance to his plans. They were always there to stop him from getting what he wants.

Now, his hatred was focused on her because she was the one who had stopped him from the last time he attempted to gain control of a planet that was rich with resources.

If not for her, he would still have been out there, wreaking havoc in the Universe but here he was, stuck in a world that he was unfamiliar.

Before he came to this world, he woke up in a limbo and remembered what had brought him to that place. Afraid that he might have been stuck there for a longer time, he worked his way to get out and when he did, he was brought to this world.

He had been wandering for a few days trying to find out where he was and it didn't take long for him to find out that he was in a world called Earth but this was an unfamiliar Earth because he knew of the planet.

He knew that the planet was the home base of the Organization that has been thwarting his plans for world domination and he knew that it was also the home planet of the young woman who brought her here but this Earth didn't have any signs that the Organization existed and wondered if this was a different Earth altogether. He knew stories of parallel universes but have always thought of its existence as myth, until now.

His thoughts went back to observing the young woman from a distance and she seems to have been able to blend in already to this world. How long he was stuck in that limbo, he was not sure but what he is sure is that he wanted his revenge towards her.

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