New Identity

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All characters of Twilight are owned by Stephenie Meyer. No Copyright Infringement intended.

Edward POV

"It's Heeere" Alice's sing-song voice echoed in the living room. The soft melody I was playing in the piano ended as Alice and Jasper arrived from their out of town trip. Bella was sitting on a pillow that she placed on the floor beside me while reading Wuthering Heights. She looked up from what she was reading and greeted Alice with Jasper tagging along behind her. Although Jasper has been able to control his thirst when Bella was around, he still maintained a safe distance from her.

"Hey Alice! Hey Jasper! What's here?" Bella asked, putting her book down. Jasper nodded with her greeting then looked at me.


I grinned. With what Alice had in mind for Bella, I needed to find something to occupy myself with. I stood up and Bella instinctively followed but Alice blocked her way.

"Ah-ah-ah" Alice wiggled her finger and Bella raised her eyebrow.

"Here" She handed her the manila envelope that she was holding and watched as Bella opened it and inspected the contents one by one.

"Whoa, are these -?" She was not able to continue as she focused on the papers on her hand. There were papers, ID's and passports.

"You are officially Isabella Marie Swan from Phoenix Arizona. We had to improvise where you came from and guesstimate your age so I hope you don't mind." Bella turned towards the driver's license in her hand while Jasper laid down the cards in the table in front of us. I watched, amused, at Bella's reaction to the driver's license that she was holding.

"Wait, why do I get to be older than Edward?" She waived the card in the air and we saw the figures showing that she was eighteen years old in the license.

"Bella, you know I'm older than you by a hundred years"

"You wanna put that on your license?" She glared at me while Jasper tried to contain his laughter in front of me.

"Cheer up. It's just numbers and besides, you seem to be the mature one in the relationship so might as well show that in your ID's and it's just one year" Alice winked but Bella was having none of it.

"Oh yeah? And what's with my birthday coming up two weeks from now?" It was my sister that she was now glaring at, which made her look adorable but Alice was unfazed. That would make her nineteen in two weeks' time.

"Bella... Bella... Bella... I feel like there's a need for us to celebrate your arrival and after what happened, I think we all deserve a little celebration!" Alice cheered.

"You could have at least made my birthday the anniversary of the day when you found me" Bella pointed out.

"I did ask that but Alice was having none of it." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Six months is too long to wait! C'mon Bella! Work with me here! I want to do something grand! And with Rosalie and Emmett off to college, we could use a little get together now and then." Alice used her charms on Bella and I'm not sure if it was going to work.

"Fine" Bella huffed. Huh. I guess it always does. Alice bounced up and down while clapping her hands in glee.

"Ooohhh! We have a lot of things to prepare! We're going to-"

"Ah! Keep it simple! I won't make a fuss out if it, if you keep it from being extravagant!" Bella cut her off.

"But Bella, I want to throw you a big party and go all out!" My sister exclaimed.

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