Chief Swan

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Disclaimer: SM owns all characters in the story and I am only a simple fan who wants to write my own version of the story.


Charlie Swan was Forks Washington's very own Chief of Police. He had lived his whole life in this small town and he was contented. He married young to a Renee Higginbotham but their marriage did not last long. She left before they could even begin to start a family. After his failed marriage, Charlie devoted his life to protecting the town and had worked hard to earn his way to becoming the Chief of Police.

The town was a peaceful place. Seeing that the population was quite small, the only major thing that happens would be if a new family moves in and becomes the talk of the town just like what happened when the Cullen Family moved in a few years back but even then, everything was as normal as you could have imagined it to be. Charlie preferred it that way.

Charlie was a good cop and he was the kind of person who was always ready to help so it was no surprise when one day, he stopped by the side of the road to see Dr. Ross, standing over his car with the hoods up and smoke coming out the front.

"Need a hand Doc?" Charlie greeted the old Doctor. "Hey Charlie. I wish you could. Looks like this one's a goner. I'm going need a tow truck for this."

"You want me to call them for you?"

"I'm good. There's already one on the way but I could really use some help on some other thing though if it's not too much" The Doctor went to the passenger's side and took out a small box.

"Sure thing. What is it?"

"Well, there are files inside this box containing some of the rare cases that Dr. Cullen handled in the hospital. I had it with me and was not able to return it to him. I was hoping to bring this to him before they leave town but the car broke down." There was a hint of sadness and disappointment when he mentioned the other Doctors name.

When their family moved in, many wondered why a skilled Doctor like him chose a small town to live in. He could have had a much bigger opportunity in bigger cities but it was something that they could not even complain about since he was good at his job and not to mention, his family were model citizens. He was skeptical at first after hearing that Dr. Cullen had five adopted teenagers in his household. He admired the man for taking the responsibility together with his wife but he could not imagine how crazy the household would have been. He never had a child of his own but he thought even just having one would be a handful, not to mention five. It turned out, he was wrong. They all kept to themselves and never once broken any law. It was a shame to have them leave the town in such short notice.

"I can take care of that." He replied.

"Thanks Charlie. Oh! There is the tow truck now. You might as well run along before it gets dark. I know their property is hard to find during the day."

"Are you sure you'll be okay here Doc?"

"Yes, yes I'll be fine" Charlie was unsure of leaving the Doctor alone but now that the truck just arrived, he finally agreed and took the box from him.

"Alright then. See yah doc!"

"Thanks Chief"

With that, Charlie placed the box in the passenger seat of his Cruiser and slowly made his way towards the Cullen Residence.

Darkness was already starting to creep in the forest by the time the Police Chief arrived at the Cullen residence. It had taken him several wrong turns and at least two radio calls to their dispatcher to verify the exact address. When he got there, the place was quiet.

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