Chapter One

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Author's note: Hey those who do read the blur of my book and think hey now this sounds not so bad, thank you,thank you, thank you, for not only your time, but the chance to get my book used to it's fullest point. 

This book is different much different from my other Wattpad book, this is all fantasy and Yeah My mind does wonder to crazy places. Please if you do enjoy my story spread the word, comment or vote. 

Happy reading guys oh and by the way when reading this book try and picture the one guy you really like .... Yeah it makes you more able to understand O's ( The main character's choice later on ) 


I laid there waiting for the normal smell of coffe to awake me from my slumber, but the scent was missing and that only made me wake up faster than I hoped. Odd, I thought to myself surely it must be seven am? I let my arm move further inwards under my covers hinting skin instead of my normal soft pillow. My head brushed against my fluffy white cushion with a speed I didn't know I had, and there right next to me laid a boy .. Lying there arms stretched out and eyes frimly shut. I peered over at him realizing he was far from a boy... He was a man! My heart beated extremely fast he must be, what Twenty? What is he doing in my house? But most importantly who is he?

I couldn't stop my heart from beating in the pace that it was. Moving the covers away from my body I patted at the sharpe pointed shoulder of the man who was heavily asleep in my bed, but he didn't budge. Almost as if in slow motion I flew out of the bed. 

Running over to my door I locked it to block my mum from seeing the unknow human in my bed. Pacing up and down the floorboards I played with my hair knowing that wouldn't help me figure how the hell he got in my house let alone my bed.Then all of a sudden he changed posititon and leant forward allowing my eyes to set on his long dark hair that fell to his shoulders and his stubble laid flat against his warm glowing skin. 

"You moan more than you fidget." He said wiping his hand over his face as if to wake himself up.

"I do not moan at night, nor fidget for that matter." I replied in utter disgust.

He grinned back at me a cheeky yet sexual smirk, " No not when you sleep, but when you were lovemaking me." 

"WHAT!" What did you just say?" At this point I was standing in the corner of my room covering my arms over my chest. wearing my PJ shorts and vest top made me feel even more fragile than usal. The man in my bed pulled the sheets away from him and there I saw his greek god body that was lying under my very bed quilt. 

"I said you moan more at night when lovemaking me." 

My face flushed and my hands shook to the extent that I couldn't stop myself from the fear of the unknow.

"Wait no....This can't be right I, you, we ... We did not make out last night." 

He jumped out of my bed with absolutely nothing on placing his hands over his private parts.

"Here, does that explain enough." He laughed beaming back at me. 

I didn't know where to look , it was either his smooth slender body or where his hands were covered. The more I kept telling myself to look away they resisted only letting me see the very art work I tried to ignore.

" I...I .... you need to go, my mum she will see you and put two and two together." 

" But it is what it looks like." 

With my mouth wide open and hitting the floor he let his body bounce back on the my mattress keeping his private parts hidden making me only more panicked and fearful of what was to come. Worried, was what I really was. The thought that he would get caught scared me. I would no longer be seen as my mother's angel, more like the devil child.  I pulled over to his arm trying to shift him from the confront of the bed quilt.

"You need to go back from wherever you came from, and don't come back." I said letting my eyes do the look that said perfectly clear, do-as-I-say-or-else. The look normally works, but not this time, if anything it made him want to stay there even more. As I got a tighter grip on his toned arms, he grinned back at me then placed his hand on top of mine, with such anger growing inside of me I couldn't let him take even more advantage  than he had already taken. I felt it and I think he did too, well he must of because I sure heard it. 

SLAP ! I hit him hard across the cheek not wanting to look at the damage, and the man in my sheets was no longer in them. 

Under My Sheets #1Where stories live. Discover now