Chapter Five

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My heart I'm sure it flipped more times than a roller coatser, I prayed that it was all in my head, but I knew lying to myself was a stupid act to consider. If he was no longer here under my bed or in my room he cleary left to go back to his place. He told me he didn't have a home, but a man dressed as well as he was surely that meant he had some home to go back to. Even is he was more naked than fully clothed. Rushing around my room looking in every nook and cranny, he was no where to be found.

Sticking my head out of the window only to see the normal white sheet of snow that covered the dead grass I told myself I would never see him again, however something made me wish the opposite.

" Octvaia are you okay?" My mother called while cooking in the kitchen.

" Yeah." 

Trying to twist and push the thoughts out of my head I threw my school bag off of my back and made my way down the stairs. There in the kitchen was her feather tattoo thin and subtle. 

" You never flushed the toliet." 

My face was pulled all kinds of expressions in hope that I seemed less on edge than I felt. "Oh gosh sorry I forgot." More like I forgot to do it all together.

" Are sure your fine? you seem stressed." 

Leaning my shoulder on the door frame to my wodden farm house I rubbed my head as I did that my eyebrows moved forward, closer and tighter together. "School I've got alot on." 

She did the same old grin that she always formed just to make me sense her confront, but her confront was not making me feel safe. "Take a break if you need it, never over work." 

" You're a fine one to say that." I repilyed biting my tounge as I kept hold of my emotions and fear. I turned my body making my way back to my bedroom, I knew he wouldn't be there sitting on my bed relaxed and casual as if I had known him for my whole life, expect I hadn't know him near five mintues. Taking a drive for my bed I let my body bounce against my springs and I stared up directly to the ceiling. Am I going mad? Is this the first sign of madness? Because if so I don't think I can cope. 

I felt sick inside, every breathe that I took in hurt and I knew it was the pain of not knowing the truth. "Hun, will you do your old mom a favor and put the bins out." 

" Sure." I said dragging my body off of my bed and as my mom handed me over the bags I exited out of the door. Walking down the pathway the birds from the trees sung to each other as if in their own concent. Every note was a reminder of the sweetness life had to offer, placing the bags down a black feather slowly floated down from the sky and landed right by my foot. I picked it up and examied it, brutal and beatiful I knew for sure it was no feather from a brid. If anything it looked like my mothers tattoo as if it had come to life. 

The cold evening air captured of of my breathe and held it for a while as if droughing, My head lifted up right and my view point hint the landscape of my garden, but there in the corner of my eye I saw him. He was there in the far distances, fields and fields ahead. Dropping the feather and not looking back as it got swept up in th hurricane wind. I ran towards him opening my gate and closing another, I allowed the speed to carry me through the bitter freeze from the snow.

He watched me and stood with his hands in his pockets, no one was watching me the surroundings that surrounded me were blank and my mind was fixed, foused on him running through the dead trees and lifeness homes I reached him. Qaspiel.

He breathed out  creating a smoke effect from his mouth, and touched my cheeck his touch it was soft and tender how a touch by a loved one should be, but he was not a loved one.

" You're a sweet natured girl of a place of dispostion." He murmured deep within my ear, I didn't know at the time what he meant, but I enjoyed the sound of his voice and the words that filtered through to my skin and into my brain.

I smiled a giggling one as my eyes collected with his, " who are you? Why do you make me feel this way?" I asked in sheer disbelief that he made me sense this odd need to want him more than I should.

Qaspiel located his hands and wrapped his arms around my waist, " You must be cold." 

"I'm more concerned than cold." 

His dipples glowed and so did I inside, his long hair moved always in time with the beat of the livng wind. " I want to get to know you." He repiled.

" Then get to know me." He took another glance at me and removed his finger from my cheek, my skin felt num, but it was soon replaced by a kiss.His kiss that felt as if sparks flew everytime he touched me let alone kiss me. I should of backed away and told him no, but the way he made me feel felt as though I couldn't. I knew if I did I would regreat it.

" All will take time and I will look after you." 

My confused wrinkles increased on my forehead as my cracked lips seeked for warmth of his. "I don't know you so tell me Qaspiel, how comes I feel safe with you?" 

The heat from his body heated up mine and a winter coat felt not needed, "you feel safe with me because Octavia, I'm your guardian." 

Under My Sheets #1Where stories live. Discover now