🍂Sakyo Furuichi x Teacher! Chubby Reader🍂

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"Tadaima"I heard the man I love's voice, I was nervous to meet him......he didn't even contacted me when he arrived here.......he went straight to Mankai Company.

"Ah Sakyo-san!"Izumi-chan said as I stood up, time to meet Sakyo......

"Hello, Sakyo......how have you been?"I asked as he stopped his tracks and look down at me

"(Y/N)?"he asked as I smiled and smack his chest

"Don't be so shocked! You're very cruel to not contact your best childhood friend in here"I said as he looks at me with those purple eyes through his glasses, I giggled and got on my tippy toes and snatched his eyeglasses away.

"Oi, (Y/N)!"Sakyo said as I smiled and wore it, I have a blurry image and I stuck my tongue out at him, I knew the blurry image is him. He grabbed my hands on his left hand while his right reached out for the glasses.

"Awwwww, you look really great without glasses on, Sakyo!"I said as he looks at me, I sat down next to Sakyo and we have a tea talk.

"So Sakyo? Have you confessed to Izumi-chan yet?"I asked as he coughed while Izumi-chan is just shock

"Huh?! What're you spouting lies for, Idiot?!"Sakyo asked as I smiled

"Why? I thought you said your first love is Izumi-chan?"I asked even though my heart aches so much

"Huh? I-is that true Sakyo-san?"I heard Izumi-chan asking as everyone in the room were silent.

"No. None of them are true"Sakyo said as I widened my eyes and smirked

"You're dodging the question, come on tell us Sakyo~! Izumi-chan, he loves y--- mhmppp!"Sakyo covered my mouth by his hand and stood me up

"We will have a small talk outside, nobody will follow"Sakyo said as he drag me outside

Sakyo's POV

I dragged her away from everyone while I sighed

"Your very persistent aren't you?"I asked as she smiled

"Of course I am, anyways how's life, Sakyo?"she asked as I sighed

"Good as usual.....how come you didn't contacted me? I could've picked you up"I said as she smiled, her cute chubby cheeks showed when she smiles.

"I couldn't bother you on your work and also, if your home, I still wouldn't knowing you'll spend your time with Izumi-chan"(Y/N) said as I looked at her

"Look (Y/N), the brat isn't my first love"I said as (Y/N) nudged me by her elbows on my side

"Ehhh~? You always talk about Izumi-chan on the phone~"(Y/N) said as I got irritated and pinned her on the wall which shocked her, her pudgy self wiggled while I locked her.

"I told you, Izumi Tachibana isn't my first love"I said as (Y/N) looks down while she breathed in and out

"Then.......is it a lie? What you told me in the park.....? Is it all a lie?"she asked as I sighed

"Not entirely, sure I have a small crush on her but I mainly focused on one girl"I said as she looks up at me with tears in her eyes

"Then tell me! Who the fuck is your first love?! Do you know......h-how much it hurts me hearing you talk about another girl?!"she asked as I looked at her, she lost her strength to stand so I held her arms.

"(Y/N).....it's her name.....the first girl I ever loved and still love"I said as she looks up at me

"Sakyo......"she said as I smiled and hugged her, I missed her warmth.

"I fucking love you, Idiot. You assume too much and for a fucking teacher you cry in front of a Yakuza"I said as she hugs me back and I smiled

"I love you so much, Sakyo......"she said as I nodded and caressed her head

"I too, I love you too, (Y/N)"I said as she smiled while I lifted her chin and kissed her softly on her lips, months later of dating. (Y/N) occasionally drop by and today is another day that she is dropping by, we were in my room while I was planning the food ingredients for this month. (Y/N) came up to me and stole my glasses while running outside, I sighed and got up.

"(Y/N)! GIVE ME BACK MY GODDAMN GLASSES!"I shouted as I heard giggling, I sighed and went outside. I went to the lounge and everyone were shocked to see me without glasses

"Well you lookin' hot and young, Old Man~!"Settsu said as I scoffed

"Fuck off, Settsu. Has anyone seen (Y/N)?"I asked

"I think I saw her with Kantoku-san holding your um....glasses"Nanao said as I sighed and was about to turn around but a giggle and a heavy weigh in my back got on. I knew exactly who she was

"Give me my goddamn glasses, (Y/N)"I said as (Y/N) laughed and put my glasses in my eyes, I held her legs and walked off.

~Extra Ending~

"Well that ended up sweet but gross"Banri said as Sakuya smiled

"At least we got to see Sakyo-san like that"Izumi said as everyone agreed.

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