Part 1

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Mark, by now, had already gone back to LA after going to find out what was happening with Jack and his egos. But, that didn't go well seeing as he, Robin and Felix found out they were all now missing people.

He had notified Amy on what had happened, and she was worried about the Irishman and his egos. She wanted to know if they were okay, but it didn't seem like anyone would find out, not to anyone's surprise.

Mark had told Amy what he planned on doing. He wanted to go look for Jack and the Septic egos, but not without the help of his own egos for both support and protection, seeing as going alone did NOT seem to be the best option.

Amy was hesitant on letting Mark go to Burkittsville, but she didn't win the small argument they had, the half-Korean going no matter what anyone said. Now, it was just trying to get his egos to come with him.

It was going to be tricky, but he sure as hell would try.

He stopped his car in front of the Iplier ego mansion, and sighed, running his hands through his fluffy, red hair (yes, his hair is back to red in this).

'Will they even agree to come?' Mark had asked himself multiple times throughout the car ride there, but he just reassured himself that they would come to save their friends. He was pretty sure they were on good terms, at least, good enough terms to go out looking for them. Hopefully.

'Stop worrying, Mark,' He told himself as he opened his car door, shutting it with loud noise as his feet made sounds while he walked, making him cringe. He didn't really like going to visit his egos as much as you'd think he would. Dark was still planning on a way to kill him and take over the channel, so that always worried him and Google... Well, he didn't know what the android was ever up to, but it sure as hell was never good.

The red-haired YouTuber's steps came to a stop as he stood in front of the large, dark door. Mark looked at it in uncertainty before remembering this was to find Jack and his egos, the male lifting his fist to knock a few times.

It took a few moments, which was normal in this household, for someone to open the door, the person being Eric, who seemed surprised that his creator was there.

"H-hey, M-Mark..," He stuttered quietly, wringing his hands together as he looked over at the male, Mark being able to see him visibly gulp, probably out of nervousness.

"Hey, Eric," Mark greeted, his signature smile on his face, a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "Uhm, can I come in? It's important."

"Y-yea," Eric said, quickly moving out of the way, Mark entering and closing the door, Eric walking over to the large living room of the mansion.

As soon as the creator walked into the room, everyone's attention was directed onto him, a couple even glaring at him, but that was normal. Mark just stood awkwardly, glancing at the few egos he had in that room.

"What do you want?" Bim asked, leaning back on the couch, glancing to the side to see his creator, the game show host not liking Mark that much. "You only come here for videos or when you need us to help you with something."

Mark sighed, his whole stature deflating at Bim's words. He technically was here for them to help, but it was important for him and them. Wasn't it?

Dark and Anti were never really 'friends' but they would sometimes get along. Wilford and Jameson had always got along, so that was a plus. He knew the two heroes used to have a rivalry, but it was all better now, right? Host and Marvin got along but the doctors always used to argue, so he didn't know how many people would agree, or if any would at all. Well, apart from Bing, since he and Chase were best friends, no matter what was thrown at them.

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