"Mind you though, Natalie you looked quite.."

I cut him off and tell him..

"Get me some clothes from your cupboard or something!"

He doesn't answer, all I hear is his footsteps going away And the creak of a closet.

I let out a long breath I didn't even realise I was holding!

I slide down the door resting my head on it when suddenly it is knocked on causing my head to throb so badly I feel like it will explode or something..

I get up and open the door angrily and grabbed a black t shirt from his hand and one of his boxers...

I wore them, the t shirt was so long on me that it came on my thigh covering his boxers!

I still can't believe I'm wearing his clothes I mean eewww!!

I head out the toilet and go downstairs..

I find Parker sitting on the couch watching The Big Bang Theory...

I headed to the couch and as soon as he Saw me, he made an extremely loud wolf whistle, that echoed in the house!

I felt my cheeks warming up but I ignored him and sat down..

We sat down for a while and watched the TV..

He then broke the silence..

"So what do you want to do today?"

Why he even cares I don't even know!!

"I don't know!"

"God! Natalie Casen could you be any more annoying."he chuckles!

I just shuffle in my seat and reply,

"What do you want?"

"I want to go see my little sister in the hospital actually, do you mind coming?"

Instantly my face becomes distorted..

"Wh what sister in the hospital.."

The thing is I wasn't exactly a fan of hospitals.. All the bright lights and dull colours and sad faces just switch me off.. But who is this sister I have never heard of??..

"My little sister Abigail she has cancer, Leukemia.. Since she was born she is eight now and she is still strongly fighting." he says his eyes gleaming, maybe it was a tear and maybe it was just the sun coming in through the window...

But, all I know is that when he said that, I felt something for him.. I think I saw aa side to him I never even knew belonged..

I looked into his enchanting blue eyes and smiled replying,

"Of course I will go with you!"

"Thanks Nat, I'm sure she will love you, she always wants to play with her barbies with a girl so she will be so happy.. That's if you don't mind playing?"parker says, his cheeks tinged red..

"Parker! what kind of evil person do you think I am lol if course I will play with her you don't need to even tell me!"

We both smile and he heads to the fancy kitchen, I wonder what his parents work as, he has got one ginormous house! And it's really posh and fancy as well!

He calls out to me,

"I will make you some telynol tea to make you feel better and you can go check the medicine cupboard!"

I go to the cupboard and pick some headache pills...

"Thankyou Parker! For everything.."

"No problem, that's what friends do for Eachother! Go upstairs to my room and pick out something to wear! I know they are all big but you will just have to do with that, I will make your tea and then we will have breakfast out, then go to my sister, sound good?"


I head up the stairs and back to his room, and I only now realise how big it actually is.

But it's so dark..

I head to the window and open the curtains, only to find out that it's not in fact a window but a very big and posh balcony that looks over a ginormous field of flowers and trees I unlock it and step out..

A fresh yet cold breeze hits me..

But I ignore it and head forward until I'm leaning on the wall.. Woww this is amazing!

"It is isn't it?"

I jerk my head everywhere to see where that voice came from..

A sniggering voice calls, "Over here!"

I look to my side and see a shirtless parker standing in the balcony next door...

"Hey Natalie, your can take a picture it'll last longer!"

I snigger and look away!

Didn't I say it looked amazing in my head.. Lol this is dude is definitely one twisted person lol..

I head back into the room and grab a hoody and some 3/4 length trousers from his closet..

The trousers on me are full length and the hoodie a bit oversized.. But it was tolerable! No I'm just kidding I probably look like a begger XD but that's okay lol I don't mind..

I head downstairs and find a mug of tea waiting for me on the counter.. I head over to it and drink it..

After a minute or two parker joins me downstairs and he grabs his car keys and leads the way out the door!

I head outside into a front porch I obviously didn't notice last night!

We head into a different car this time, a Mercedes..

Once we get in I look over to him and ask,

"So what happened to me last night?"

He let's out a long laugh and says,

"well that's a Looong story!"


So what do you think? We see a side of parker we never Knew! Next chapter will be visiting his sister! As usual vote comment and reaaad ♥ ♡ ♥

The Impossible Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें