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this next part is inspired by gilmore girls- i always wanted a relationship like the one lorelei and rory have so I decided to put a little something like that into this :)

"𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑃𝑌 𝐵𝐼𝑅𝑇𝐻𝐷𝐴𝑌, 𝑅𝑂𝑆𝐸𝐵𝑈𝐷!", A singsongy voice whispered into my ear before plopping down in my bed next to me. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes attempting to adjust them to the darkness of my room.

"Aunt Jayne..what the hell are you doing?" Her pearly whites flashed at me in the dark before she wrapped my arm in hers.

"It's story time- tradition..don't tell me you forgot."

"Eight years is a long time but it's hard to forget being woken up at 4:0..3 in the morning." She chuckled and playfully hit my shoulder with hers.

"You've grown up so fast.."

"It doesn't feel fast."

"Oh, trust me girlie, it's fast." I let out a chuckle at her and suppressed a yawn. "Eighteen years..how have they been so far?" A cackle escaped my lips at this.

"Pretty shit, but things have been looking up since I came here." She let out a dramatic sigh at this.

"I'd say it gets better but then I'd be a liar."

"Oh, you are anything but that, Jaynie." I could sense her eyes rolling at this. "Do you think I look older?" She snorted and turned to face me, mock-studying my looks.

"Oh, yeah..if you walk into Denny's before five you've got yourself a discount."

"Good deal." I gave her a look before tucking myself into her shoulder.

"You wanna' know what I think?"

"Sure, why not?"

"I think..you are one cool kid- and the best friend a girl could have. You have been through so much at such a young age and you still see the best in people. I envy you."

"Well- I learned from the best." She snuggled closer to be and giggled.

"Yeah, I guess I am a pretty cool chick..can I start the story now." I silently nodded my head and fiddled with the rings on her fingers."

"It's hard to believe that at exactly this time, many moon's ago, I was one of the first people who got to meet you. There I was dressed in the ugliest blue gown you have ever laid eyes on looking into the eyes of this tiny, bloody, golem-looking creature."


"Shh..this is the good part. So there I was..looking down at this disgusting little thing when it wrapped it's fingers around mine. I checked and it had all ten fingers, all ten toes, and the most beautiful golden-green eyes I'd ever seen."

"Just like yours."

"Just like mine. Once they cleaned up this beautiful baby girl, I bundled her up and gave her the name, Rosemary Eden Mulligan. Just as her father had wanted. I promised her I would be the best Aunt/Godmother she would ever have."

"You are." She bursted into laughter.

"I sure hope so.."

"I love you, Jaynie."

"I love ya too, kiddo."


I woke up for the second time this morning to the infamous scent of coffee, cinnamon, and bananas. Fuck yes. I scrambled from my bed to the shower- cleansing myself as quick as humanly possible before rushing to find my clothes. I slipped on a linen dress and sweater before stumbling into the bathroom to fix the rat's nest I call hair. I couldn't do much but I decided that some makeup might help to distract from the wildness.

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