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       𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑅𝐴𝐼𝑁 𝑃𝐴𝑇𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐸𝐷 against my window, but it was the events from the previous night that jolted me awake. Falling asleep against Jasper was the last thing I remembered. I scanned the room and found him sitting on the window seat. "Are you alright?"I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and turned to face him.

"I-yeah, I'm fine. Did you..stay here all night?" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked towards me.

"Yes, I wanted to make sure you were safe."

"How chivalrous of you, Mr. Hale." He rolled his eyes and shot me a smirk.

"So today..your aunt has been making breakfast for a little while. After that I was figuring you could get ready and I could 'pick you up' and take you to meet my family."

"Pick me up?" He chuckled at this.

"Well, I don't think she'd be pleased to see me walk down the stairs with you so early in the morning."

"You do have a point, Hale." I slid out of bed and sauntered over to the bathroom, I was still in my ripped dress with no sweater for protection. I saw his eyes linger but he didn't ask, I kept moving. "Are you just going to sit in here..while I..?" He held up a book in response.

"I am perfectly capable of keeping myself entertained, Miss Rose." He murmured through his smirk.

"Well alright then." 

       I closed the door and began to shower. I scrubbed furiously at my skin, trying to clean every inch that was touched or seen during last night's events. I still felt dirty, even when my skin was raw. Stepping out, I grabbed a towel and dried off. I didn't bother to look at the mirror, I knew what I would see. Instead I rung out my hair and slipped on the clothes I had brought with me. I did my makeup and put my curls in this messy half up half down thing, letting a few fall and frame my face. I looked happy and clean. I might even dare say pretty.

       I walked out fiddling with a loose string, before leaning against my dresser. "Well, Mr. Hale, Is my appearance appropriate for 'meeting the parents'?" He was still sitting on the window seat as he shifted his gaze from the novel to me. I couldn't decipher the look on his face but it resembled adoration.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Rosemary." A blush rose on my skin and a smirk on his.

"Right- well then. I am in desperate need of a cup of coffee. I will see you soon?"

"Yes. Yes, you will." I spun on my heel and left the room. His gaze still burned into me as I stumbled down the steps. 

       Aunt Jayne was spinning on a stool in a way that could only be described as toddler-like. "Roseeeee. I missed you, you slept for so damn long." She stopped her spinning and pouted at me.

"Sorry Janie, I had to get ready..I have a 'date' today." She rushed up to me and grabbed my hands- excitement laced on her features.

"No wonder you look so dolled up. My goodness, who is the lucky fella?" She poured me a mug and shoved a plate of pancakes towards me. I fiddled with the fork a bit before responding.

"Jasper Hale." She rose a brow at me.

"Dr. Cullen's boy?" I nodded and continued to stuff my face with bites of fluff.

"What are you going to do on this 'date'?" She gave me a mock-serious look but couldn't keep the grin from her lips.

"Well..I'm goin' to meet his family. I'm friends with his sister so I'm probably goin' to spend some time with her too." She leaned against her palms, elbows down on the counter.

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