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       𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑇. 𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑇. 𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑇. I freed my legs from the tangled sheets and frantically ran through my room. It was already close to my third period of the day and there I was- in my house. I slipped on the first pair of jeans I could find, I scrambled for a shirt and sweater. I looked messy as shit today. My phone was set on my bedside table and I found several apologetic messages from Bella who unfortunately had to leave me when I didn't respond to her third attempt at honking.

   At this point I noticed the rain pattering against the window. Fuck me sideways why don't you. I grabbed some more durable shoes and an umbrella from the rack before starting my journey to school- in the fucking rain. Normally I wouldn't mind- but right here, right now, I fucking mind.

   It took me a little over 45 minutes to reach the home of the Spartans. My raincoat and umbrella could only protect me so much- and my hair was positively a frizzy mess. I ran through the doors and tried to ring out my curls the best I could before taking off my coat and sprinting into the admin office. The lady there was visibly displeased to see me, but she let me go quickly as it was my lunch period. I grabbed the slip and shoved it into my book bag, silently cursing the school for having separate buildings as I made my way back out into the rain.

   I stumbled rather ungracefully into the caf, slinging my raincoat over my arms. I felt the gazes of multiple students as I looked to my usual table- no seats were empty. Well, shit. I looked towards the Cullen's table to see all of their eyes on me before Alice jumped up and skipped towards me. "Rosemary!" She moved to hug me but I held out a hand, motioning to my damp clothes. She let out a chirpy laugh and linked her arm with mine. "Do you want to sit with us today?" She looked so excited and I was desperate for a place to hide.

"Uh. Sure- yes. If you don't mind." She tugged me along.

"Of course not- we're going to be great friends, remember?" She led me to to the seat next to her and I semi-gracefully plopped down, setting my bag down next to me. I noticed the five pairs of golden eyes trained on me and started to feel slightly self-conscious. I barely registered that the Hale boy was less than a few inches away from me, with concern laced on his features. If only he  knew.

"Are you alright?" Jasper leaned closer to me.

"Yeah- yeah. I just overslept." I plastered a grin on my face in hopes to fool him. He didn't look convinced but didn't push further- which causes me to internally exhale in relief.

"Why are you soaked?" My attention was brought to a Cullen I hadn't met before but I remember as Rosalie, Jasper's twin.

"I don't have a car..and my ride sorta ditched- which was my fault entirely, so I had to walk. In the rain." I let out a slight chuckle and the girl just looked at me with curiosity. I was starting to get worried that lunch would continue with them staring at me, but soon a burly guy who I learned was Emmett started the conversation and introduced himself. I was pleasantly surprised when the mood shifted and everyone talked amongst each other. Alice asked me an endless amount of friendly questions ranging from dress size to shoe size to favorite color. It was really refreshing to talk to someone so kind and open. I could see the truth in Alice's words, we really were going to be great friends.


     Paint was no doubt covering most surfaces of my body. I decided to paint something different-  something much more concrete. I had just started layering the cool skin tones when my phone started to blast.


"I just got home from La Push- I found out some weird shit about the Cullens."

"Oh- did ya now?"

"Rose, I'm serious. Jacob's family has some legends about them and tomorrow Jessica is forcing me to go to Port Angeles for 'dress shopping'," I tapped my brush on my water jug and leaned back as far as I could in my seat.

"I'm listening."

"So. Um- you have to come with me. One- for emotional support and before you say no, I ordered a book from a shop so we have an excuse to leave early." She sounded determined in that desperate nervous way and I let out a giggle.

"Of course, Bell-a, you had me at book."

"Okay, good, I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah, bye, Bells."

"Bye, Rosie."

    I turned my attention back to my piece and sighed. "Look what your ass got me into now, Jass." I compiled a list of all the things I knew about the Cullens in my head. They are adopted, but all share key features in appearance. They are all alarmingly beautiful and all have the same golden eyes, and they all are somehow paler than Bella. They are freakishly speedy, freakishly strong, freakishly cold. I didn't really know what they were..just that it wasn't human.

  Jass and Alice both have skin like ice- they also never eat food in the cafeteria, or show up to school on days where the sun shines. Oh shit. I googled the one word that came to mind, as unrealistic as it sounded I had to know. I wanted to be crazy and deranged and have the ability to myself that I was wrong. Somewhere deep inside I knew I wasn't.

The Cullens were vampires.

Jasper Hale was a vampire.

OH shit she knows- anyways this is a filler. sry.


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